Page 70 of The Accidental Dating Experiment
I curl my hand tight around the base, squeeze out a drop of liquid arousal, and offer it to her. “You tell me if I was right.”
She sticks out her tongue, moaning wantonly as she swallows me. “You taste good,” she murmurs.
That jolt of pleasure? It hits me again and again as she plays with me. My breath comes faster. My chest heats up as I stare savagely at my Juliet in the scalloped mirror, the gilded one, the full-length one offering an obscene view of an outrageously sexy woman hellbent on having fun with her man.
She looks eager. She looks like…like she’s enjoying herself.
“The sight of you,” I rasp out. She lifts her chin, eager for more praise as she sucks me. “You look like you’re having a good time,” I venture.
She drops me long enough to say, “I really will if you come in my mouth.”
I shudder from those words. “Guarantee,” I say, then I help her along. I grip my shaft tighter, stroking the base with a firm but short touch.
After a few seconds, though, she bats my hand away. “I’ve got this.”
And holy hell does she ever. With her hand covering half my dick, she sucks me only as far as she wants me, spitting on her hand.
That, right there, lights me up. “Do that again,” I urge, trembling.
She lets go, spits again, then curls her wet hand once more around the base. “Watch me now,” she says, and that’s a tall order. I’m so worked up that I want to shut my eyes and just give in to the sensations.
But I need to make this good for her, and it’s no hardship to stare at her as she shows my dick a good time while I barely thrust.
I don’t need to own her mouth. She already owns my body and soul. As she plays with my dick, my breathing turns ragged, my pulse spikes, and pleasure barrels down my spine, lighting up my cock.
Bright, hot bliss seizes me as I come in her mouth. She groans salaciously, like I’m the best thing she’s tasted.
That’s how she makes me feel, especially when she lets go and murmurs, “I have so much more to learn, coach.”
I’m still shaking, still shuddering as I drop to my knees and kiss her, my jeans unzipped, my dick hanging out, and my heart slamming hard against my chest, wanting more from her.
I kiss her like I can tell her something meaningful that way. Maybe I’m just saying I like the way you sucked my dick. But I liked it because it was her.
I break the kiss and murmur, “You just do it for me.” But before I get too caught up in the meaning behind those words, I stand, tuck myself back in and offer a hand. “Now, let me do something for you.”
She’s up in no time, and we head for the bunk bed, but before we make it, there’s a knock on the door. Then a voice. “Dude. Let me in. It’s Sawyer.”
Three hours and a takeout dinner later, the cock-blocker is still here.
I love my brother, but right now, I hate him. Harnessing the fury of a thousand unfinished sex acts, I study the Scrabble letters on the kitchen table like I’m going to burn holes through them with my eyes.
“Now, c’mon. Don’t tell me you’re as intense as Monroe when it comes to this game,” Sawyer chides, fiddling with his tiles, taunting as I wait my turn to pounce on the board.
Well, if you’d been seconds away from getting the good stuff, you’d be a jack in the box too.
Instead, I’m putting all my energy into this game, hoping to slaughter him, and sure, Monroe too. “Yes. I want to destroy you,” I mutter.
But all I have are a couple of As, a couple of Ms, and one annoying C.
“And to think you were always the nice one growing up,” he teases, then waggles a tile he might be considering playing. “But as I was saying, it was nice to kick around town today. Good thing I had to see a client in Duck Falls. Gave me a chance to check out Darling Springs again too. Scope out some things to do this weekend. I’m going to bring Katya to your dad’s retirement party,” he tells Monroe.
“That’ll be nice,” Monroe says evenly, and I can’t read what he thinks of his dad inviting everyone to the party. I didn’t think to ask more about it last night. I should do that.