Page 6 of Diabolique
By the time we drove back Sunday evening, I had a belly full of cum and a smile on my face. I felt like a wild, uninhibited teenager as we drove with the top down, my hand held in his almost the whole way back. It grew dark when we were about half an hour away from the house, and when he told me to scoot over closer to him in the little Mercedes Roadster, I had no idea what he was up to.
He fingered me all the way home. Bringing me close time and again before easing back, which left me in a state of perpetual horniness. Once we pulled into the garage and closed the door behind us, he came around to the passenger side, opened the door, and dragged me to the edge of my seat with my legs hanging out the door.
I yelped in surprise when he buried his head beneath my dress, which he had thrown up to my middle. He fucked me right there when he was done eating me out, and our cries and moans echoed around the room.
“Let’s leave this stuff for the staff to bring in tomorrow.” He lifted me from the car and carried me inside and up the stairs to fall into bed with me under him. We were just as hungry for each other as we had been the last two and a half days, and it was glorious.
* * *
I hadto wait until he left for the office the next morning to check the phone. I’d kept my eye on him all weekend and knew that there was never a chance for him to contact her, except maybe for the times he used the bathroom. But even then, I made sure there was no phone in his hand and none hidden in the room once he came out empty-handed.
I was still laid up in bed coming down from our morning romp when I started reading the messages between them from the weekend.
Jessica: Something stinks.
Mark?: What do you mean?
Jessica: In the apartment, where are you?
Mark?: Where do you think I am? I told you, something came up.
Jessica: I’m sick of your excuses. Why are you always letting me down for her?
Mark?: I told you things would change soon. We’re coming into the home stretch.
Jessica: But I can’t do it anymore; I feel like I’ll go out of my mind if I don’t see you soon. And now this place smells awful.
Mark?: Just hang in there a little while longer. Why don’t you work on that presentation you have to do on Tuesday?
That was the only communication I found for the time we’d been gone. I was still at a loss as to how he was doing it. I knew he didn’t own a smartwatch or anything else that could be used to do something like this, so how and when had he done it?
The time stamp on the screen didn’t make sense because, at that time, we were in the water. I was beginning to think that I was losing my mind. What the hell had I seen that day? I was sure of what I’d witnessed, but since then, nothing else seemed to make sense.
I switched things up a little because there was nothing on Mark’s end for me to work with. The phone he was using to stay in contact with her had yet to be found, and since he wasn’t answering my calls from her number, there was no way for me to hear his voice.
I made my third trip to her place later that day for two reasons and slipped out with the hope that things would become clearer in the upcoming days.
I took some time throughout the day to appreciate the fact that things had changed so much between Mark and me these last few weeks. Regardless of whatever else was going on, we felt closer than we had in days.
It took the changes of the last few weeks to bring home to me how much of a rut we’d gotten ourselves in over the years. We’d become parents much sooner than we’d planned, but I don’t think either of us regretted that fact. If it just meant that the fabric of the life we’d planned and imagined had changed straight off the bat.
We’d held it together with love and respect for one another, but our children had always been the focal point of our relationship. Now the kids were grown and gone, and it was just the two of us in this big old house.
Isn’t it strange that his affair had been the springboard for this much-needed change? Who knows how long we would’ve stayed in that rut had it not been for what I witnessed that day?
There were moments when I told myself to be grateful for what we had now. To just leave well enough alone and enjoy the benefits of my husband having an affair with someone thirteen years younger than myself.
But those times were always followed quickly by a resounding no. I refuse to share my husband with anyone, refuse to let him be with anyone else the way he is with me.
That was the decision I’d made that first day. Not just to hold onto what’s mine but to make the other woman pay. Oh, I plan to make Mark pay his dues as well, but I have a lifetime to do that. Jessica, on the other hand, needed to be taught a lesson.
The stench in her apartment was just the beginning of her woes, and I planned to have a front-row seat to it all. That evening, for instance, when she got home and tore the place apart, looking for what she thought was a dead mouse and finding nothing.
Or when she got her first look at the maggots that were starting to appear near her bed where I’d dripped just a little bit of raw shrimp juice, knowing that this would happen. I saw it all.
I knew what that smell would do to her and the fact that the deodorizer spray would only make matters worse once it settled. I watched her move around her apartment, frustrated and bothered, until my husband came home.
We spent that night pretty much the same as all the others, and I woke the next day excited for what was to come. I hadn’t felt this alive in a long time. All of my volunteer and charity work had become mundane, more of the same.