Page 95 of Mister Gregory
I blink at her, which makes her throw her head back and laugh.
"So I was right," she says after a minute, amusement dancing through her eyes.
"About what?"
"You're in a relationship." She smiles again when I just stare at her, my mouth hanging open a little. "What? You're the new girl, and you're hot. Everyone's been dying to pry into your personal life all damn day."
"You could have asked," I point out. Everyone has been really nice to me all day, but they've avoided asking me anything personal. It's been a little weird, honestly.
"So, here's the thing," she says, cringing. "We all kind of know your former boss. Publishing is a small world, and Lizette Hicks has taken on a few of our authors over the years. She's a monumental bitch, but we have to deal with her, so we make the best of it. She had a meltdown when she found out Kelli was considering hiring you. Kelli basically told her to get fucked, but Tom overheard the conversation, did some digging, and told…well, pretty much everybody. So we all know what happened."
"You're kidding me," I groan, my cheeks burning again. I knew it would come up sooner or later, but I really didn't think everyone would know the dirty details before I even finished my first day, let alone started it. And I cannot believe Lizette tried to keep me from getting this job! I worked my ass off for her.
Oh my gosh. I bet she's the reason the Costei Agency canceled on me. They probably hadn't even hired anyone. She just got to them!
God, she is evil.
"Tom meant well, as weird as that may sound. We all hate Lizette." Missy eyes me, a speculative gleam in her eyes. "Believe me; we're all on your side in this."
"There is no side," I mumble. There really isn't. As embarrassing as it is to find out that everyone knows what happened, as far as I'm concerned, Lizette and Damien can have each other. I'm not losing sleep over either of them. Especially not when I ended up with Roman.
"So…did she really fire you because she was hooking up with your boyfriend?"
I shrug, not even bothering to deny it. What's the point when everyone already knows?
Missy grimaces. "Just so you know, that isn't the story she tried to float. She tried to make you the guilty party, but someone in your old office told Tom the real story. She is a real piece of work, isn't she?"
Of course she lied. Argh. She really is evil. I'm suddenly glad Tom dug for details, though. Everyone in Berkeley had met Damien and knew that we were dating long before Lizette entered the picture. No one here knew that. Her lies could have ruined my reputation before I ever had a chance, all because he chased after me. Like I asked him to do that. They can have each other. I meant it the day I walked out, and I mean it even more now.
"Yeah, she's a bitch," I agree. Let her fix her own damn reputation. I'm not doing it for her.
"But you're dating someone new?" Missy asks.
Dating doesn't really sum up what I'm doing with Roman. I'm still not really sure what to call him. Boyfriend doesn't seem strong enough for the way I feel about him. I'm so in love with him; it hurts to think about not having him all over me, all the time. What's the word that defines that?
Sometimes, it seems like we're moving at the speed of light, and then I remember the four years we spent moving at a snail's pace, not even acknowledging how we felt about each other, and it doesn't seem fast enough for me. And then I remember that Tahani still isn't speaking to either of us because we're together, and just feel sad all over again.
There's not a good way to sum up all of that, so I don't even try.
"Something like that," I say instead.
"Is he hot? He is, isn't it?" Missy asks.
"So hot," I mumble, blushing. She has no idea. Roman is too damn big to be beautiful, but he's beautiful anyway. Every inch of him is rock hard like he was chiseled from stone. He's a walking, talking, wet dream.
"I knew it," she crows, laughing, and then she sobers again. "Seriously though, good for you. Lizette is a total bitch. If your ex was dumb enough to sleep with her, you are way better off, my friend."
"Thanks," I say, unable to contain my own smile. "I think so, too."
"I can't believe she slept with your boyfriend. That's so trashy."
"She's a bitch," I say with a shrug. Lizette gets off on making people miserable. I almost feel sorry for Damien. Almost. Okay, not really. He made his bed. He can lie in it.
"Thankfully, she won't be in Sacramento, so you won't have to worry about running into her or anything."
"Um, Sacramento?" I blink.
"Yeah, for the conference." Missy narrows her eyes on me, frowning. "You did know that you're coming along with us, right?"