Page 154 of Mister Gregory
Christ, she's beautiful.
"Mila, Roman," Dr. Tanner says, pushing the door behind him and smiling at Mila before nodding at me. He doesn't like me much. Probably because I spend half of Mila's appointments growling at him. I don't give a fuck if he is her doctor, though. He's young and single and smiles at her like a fucking idiot. Seeing his hands on her body pisses me off. If he weren't the best OB/GYN in the area, he wouldn't see her.
"Are you ready to find out what you're having?" he asks, moving around the bed to the ultrasound machine set up on the far side.
Mila looks at me, biting her lip as worry slides through her eyes again.
I lean down and kiss her forehead and then her lips, trying to ease her mind. "You're not going to be disappointed, baby," I whisper for her alone. "I promise you won't."
"Okay," she whispers back and then looks up at Dr. Tanner and smiles sweetly. "We're ready."
Dr. Tanner shoots me a look like he's warning me to behave—which I'll probably fucking ignore as soon as he touches her—and then holds up a bottle of lube or whatever it is they always smear all over her belly. "This will be cold," he tells her, the same thing he says every single time she has an ultrasound and then squeezes it out onto her abdomen.
If it's cold, she doesn't even flinch. Her eyes are already locked on the computer screen above the machine.
I slide my stool as close to the bed as I can get it. She slips one little hand into mine and squeezes like I'm a lifeline. I rub circles into the side of her neck with my free hand, trying to help her relax a little and enjoy this instead of worrying over nothing. She's not going to be disappointed, and she's going to be an incredible mom. Even if she still isn't entirely convinced, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's going to be amazing.
Dr. Tanner uses the wand to rub the gel around her abdomen. He turns toward the computer monitor and starts clicking on the keys as he moves the wand around. Within short order, the baby swims into focus on the screen. He works silently for several minutes, moving the wand around and clicking keys…taking measurements, and who knows what else.
"Your little one is doing great," he murmurs, glancing at Mila and giving her that smile I hate.
I resist the urge to growl at him this time, though, not wanting to upset Mila. Instead, I watch the screen, as fascinated as ever as our baby moves around. We still can't feel her moving yet, at least I can't—Mila has started feeling little flutters—but the baby is moving all over the place. Her little arms and legs flail like she's annoyed by the entire ultrasound process.
"Hmm," Dr. Tanner says after a minute.
"Hmm what?" I ask when he doesn't elaborate any further, and Mila tenses, her body going rigid.
"She's measuring big for her gestational age," he explains after a brief pause. "She's going to be tall."
"She?" Mila whispers.
My heart rolls in my chest.
Dr. Tanner looks at Mila and smiles again. "You're having a little girl," he tells her before glancing at me. "Congratulations."
"Jesus," I whisper, my voice shaking as I stare at the screen.
We're having a girl.
A quiet sob breaks from Mila's lips. I immediately drop my gaze to her to find her smiling and crying at the same time. She looks so happy, so relieved…I lean down and kiss her hard on the mouth. I can't fucking help it. This woman who owns me, body and soul, is giving me another little girl.
"Fuck," I mumble against her lips when my heart fills, and my eyes start to sting. A thousand different emotions sweep through me in a wave, each one better, more perfect than the last. I'm going to have another daughter. One as beautiful and sweet and courageous as the woman in my arms.
"Are you happy, baby?" I ask Mila when I can speak through the swell of emotion coursing through me. I pull back to look at her and cup her face between my palms before wiping away her tears.
"I'm so happy," she whispers, more tears falling as she smiles up at me. "We're having a girl."
"I love you." I press my lips to her forehead and then to her eyelids and her cheeks. I can't stop kissing her…worshipping her. Fuck, how'd I get so lucky?
"I love you so much, Roman," she whispers when I finally manage to pull away from her. Her earlier fears are gone, completely eradicated by the joy shining in her eyes and the happiness shimmering in the air around her. I don't even have to ask to know she's not disappointed. The truth is right there on her face, beaming at me like the sun.
I know the same reflects right back at her from my face. I've never been this fucking happy. With her smiling up at me like she is, I don't even care that I'm going to lose my fucking mind trying to keep boys away from our daughter for the next thirty years. Nothing has ever felt so perfect before.
Epilogue Two