Page 80 of Drawn To Darkness
They ignore my question, and when one of them grabs the glazed-eye woman’s arm, and the other pulls out an injection, I shout, “Hey. Leave her alone!”
I climb to my feet, and not sure what to do, I watch as they inject her with drugs with a horrifying sinking feeling in my gut.
No. Fuck that shit.
Keeping the blanket around me, I make a run for it.
“Come back here!” an asshole hollers.
I make it to the front door and yank it open. My feet hit the cold cement of the porch, and I fly down the stairs.
The blanket flutters around me like a cape as I hightail it over the yard and down the street.
I hear a bang, but nothing happens. Still, I push myself to run faster than I ever have, letting go of the blanket and only thinking about survival.
I have no idea whether the men are coming after me or letting me go.
My eyes dart wildly around me for a place where I can find safety. I don’t bother with the houses because no one will open up. In neighborhoods like this, it’s everyone for themselves.
I make it to a crossing, and not caring that cars are on the road, I dart across to the other side, reaching a business area.
Suddenly, the van swerves in front of me, coming to a standstill half parked on the sidewalk.
I change direction to run around the vehicle, but one of the men jumps out the driver’s side and grabs hold of my neck. I’m yanked to the side and slammed hard into the van.
Pain dazes me, and before I can recover, there’s a punch to my ear, disorientating me completely.
As I begin to sink to the floor, the guy hauls me over his shoulder. I hear a door slide open, then I’m thrown onto the steel floor.
Letting out a groan, my head feels like it’s going to split open.
My vision is blurry and sounds come and go before I lose consciousness.
Chapter 26
I roll my shoulders to ease the tension in them while my fingers keep flying over the keyboard.
“You’ve been at it for hours,” Renzo mutters behind me. “Take a break.”
“I’m fine.”
No, I’m not.
It feels as if everything we’ve done to this point is a waste of time.
Letting out a frustrated growl, I slam my fist down on the fucking keyboard. Standing up, I grab the two cell phones and stalk out of the office before I smash my system to pieces.
“Hey,” Renzo says as he comes after me. “You’re doing everything you can.”
I don’t reply as I take the stairs down to where the rest of the men are crowding my apartment.
Damiano’s sitting on one of the couches, busy on a call while side-eyeing Bella, who’s lying beside him.
“I don’t give a shit…no deal,” he growls into the line.
I pick up Bella and shove her into Renzo’s arms as I mutter, “I don’t trust Damiano with my baby.”