Page 78 of Drawn To Darkness
Which I doubt.
Chapter 25
It’s been over thirty-six hours since Eden was taken, and I’m starting to lose my mind.
I’ve just called Mrs. Stafford and asked her to check in on Quincy. When she asked what happened, I told her I had no idea.
I can’t deal with the ballet company right now, and she’ll have to run everything in my absence.
All I can think about is Eden.
I’m sitting in my office and staring at useless information.
A phone ringing draws my attention, and I glance at my jacket that’s still lying on the floor where I threw it after I took it off.
Getting up, I dig Eden’s phone out, and seeing Tyrone’s name, I answer, “Hi.”
“I’m losing my mind over here,” he whimpers, the heartache and worry making his voice sound much deeper. “I need to know something.”
I close my eyes. “I have nothing yet. I’m still looking.”
“But you’re the mafia. You can do shit. Right?”
I glance at the monitors where information is popping up all over, but there’s nothing of use to me.
“I’m looking for her, Tyrone,” I say, hoping it will ease his worry a little. “I won’t stop until I find Eden. I promise.”
The giant man chokes up, and I have to clench my teeth because my own emotions are all over the place. I’m up to my neck in worry, and my fucking heart is crumbling in my chest.
“I’ll find her,” I repeat the words more for myself than for Tyrone.
“Okay. Call me if you hear anything. Please.”
“I will.”
When he doesn’t hang up, I end the call. I place the device next to mine and stare down at the two cell phones.
Mine is brand new, and Eden’s looks like it’s been to hell and back.
I need to get her a new phone.
The thought robs the air from my lungs because I might not get the chance.
Thirty-six hours is a fucking long time. She could already be dead.
I suck in a painful breath, then my breathing speeds up. It feels as if my heart is slamming against my ribs.
She’s not dead.
I hear movement behind me, and turning around, I expect to see one of the guys, but it’s Esmerelda. The woman who raised me shuts the door so we’ll have privacy before coming to wrap her arms around me.
She doesn’t say anything because we’ve been here before, and we both know words won’t help.
It takes me a moment before I return her hug. The instant I do, the emotions, I’ve done my best to control, erupt like a volcano.
I grip Esmerelda tighter as my body shudders from the force of worry and heartache hitting me.