Page 13 of Drawn To Darkness
I’ve been trying to avoid him, but at this rate, I’ll have to give up my stolen thirty minutes in the studio.
While I continue to vacuum the auditorium, my thoughts turn away from what I’m going to do to avoid Dario to how it felt kissing him.
The firm strokes of his tongue.
Feeling his breath on my lips.
His strong fingers gripping the back of my neck.
His solid body pressed against mine.
His hard cock…
Hot dammmmnnnnnn.
Sucking in a deep breath, I shove the memory down so I can focus on getting my work done, but with the taste of Dario lingering in my mouth, it’s impossible.
I should’ve let him fuck me. At least then I wouldn’t feel so needy right now.
I let out a snort and shake my head at myself.
Wiping down a table, I glance through the window at the rain pouring down outside.
The diner is quiet, and when I’m done, I walk to the counter and get myself a cup of coffee.
“Sylvia said we can have yesterday’s pie,” Sherrie says. “Pour me coffee while I cut two slices for us.”
“Okay.” I take a seat at the counter, and when Sherrie places the apple pie in front of me, I take a bite.
“So, what’s news in your life?” she asks when she comes to sit next to me.
Sherrie and I have worked the longest at Ben’s Burgers. She’s one of the strongest and most beautiful people I know. Whenever life deals her a blow, she hits back twice as hard.
“Not much.” I lick stray crumbs off my lips, then admit, “You know I work the night shift over at La Rosa Opera Ballet, right?”
“The owner is…” I let out a dreamy sigh, “hot as fuck.”
Her eyebrows lift as she gives me a curious look. “Ooooh.”
I can’t stop from grinning like an idiot when I admit, “We kissed.”
Sherrie grabs my forearm as she leans closer for the juicy news. “And? How was it? Are you dating?”
Letting out a chuckle, I reply, “The kiss was amazing, but no, we’re not dating. We never will. I’m actually avoiding him.”
“Why?” She shakes her head at me. “You should go for it.”
I give her an incredulous look. “He’s filthy rich, and I’m dirt poor.”
I let out a sigh as I tear the apple pie apart with my fork. “He’s my boss, and I can’t risk losing the income.”
Her shoulders slump, and reaching for her mug, she mutters, “That sucks.”
“Yeah.” I eat some more of the pie before asking, “How are things in your life?”