Page 11 of Drawn To Darkness
I’m one of the best when it comes to finding someone, and I plan on using my talent to find the woman. I just need to check the surrounding area for CCTV cameras, tap into their feed, and find one of her. After that, a quick facial recognition will lead me straight to her.
I decide to wait ten minutes, hoping I won’t have to track her down, and sitting in the studio, I catch myself listening for footsteps.
When it’s clear she’s not coming tonight, I’m about to get up when my attention’s drawn by sudden movement.
A smile spreads over my face at the sight of my elusive dancer finally making her appearance, but I sit still.
She doesn’t notice me, and I watch as she connects her phone to the speakers. When a song starts, she goes to stand in front of the wall-to-ceiling mirrors that cover the entire wall.
She stares at her reflection for a moment before she starts to move.
I recognize the song because I’m a huge Hans Zimmer fan. It’s the one he did with Bastille. I listened to it on an endless loop when it came out.
The woman who’s managed to capture and hold my attention moves as if she’s a light breeze in an open field.
My phone begins to vibrate, and I quickly decline the call before switching off the device. I want no interruptions. I waited over a week for this performance.
As the tempo of the song grows in intensity, she claws at the air, her face filled with so much emotion it steals my breath right from my lungs.
Christ, she’s fucking breathtakingly beautiful.
A strong emotion creeps into my chest, and I know with dead certainty I want to get to know everything about this woman.
I want to spend endless hours talking to her.
I want to map her body with my tongue and hands.
I want to fuck her until she’s so breathless she’s begging for air.
She’s in the middle of a twirl when she spots me and almost loses her balance as she comes to a sudden stop.
The previous times, she kept dancing for me, but tonight, she stares at me while her chest heaves with rushed breaths.
Slowly, I climb to my feet, and with every step I take toward the middle of the floor where she’s standing, I feel the tension between us build.
When I reach her, she tilts her head back, and with parted lips, she looks at me.
I lift my hand, and getting to brush my fingertips over the curve of her jaw makes a strong current of attraction zap through me.
I see the same desire that’s coursing through my veins reflecting in her gray eyes, and it has me lowering my head until I can feel her hot breaths bursting on my lips.
“Where have you been?” I ask, my tone low and demanding.
“Busy,” she murmurs as if she’s stuck in a trance.
“Hmm…” I lean closer and take a deep breath of her natural scent. “Is this what you’ll smell like after I’ve fucked you?”
The burst of laughter erupting from the woman is the last reaction I expected to my question. She pulls away, and shaking her head, she says, “Wow. Ahhh…okay.”
Walking to where her phone is, she disconnects it and makes a beeline for the door.
I dart after her, and grabbing hold of her bicep, I stop her from running away.
There’s a surprised expression on her face when she looks at me again. “I have to go.”
Not giving her what she wants, I tug her closer and ask, “What’s your name?”
She shakes her head again. “I’m not giving you my name.”