Page 61 of Marcel
“You don’tneed me yet.” His mouth drifted down to her neck, where hestroked his tongue slowly inside the hollow. By this time, her pulsewas beating madly, and her body was heating up. “And notouching until I tell you to.” He kissed the top of her leftbreast, taking his time before running the tip of his tongue over hernipple.
Nikki clenched herhands into tight fists as he continued torturing her. He was onlyusing his tongue and sending her blood pressure through the roof!
A gasp escaped herwhen he took the nipple slowly into his mouth. When he startedsuckling, she tightened her fingers in the thick material of theblanket, her body heaving towards his mouth.
Suddenly, he changeddirection and pulled the nipple into his mouth; he increased thepace. Her body bucked and heaved, her heart thudding like a madtrapped bird as he continued to devour the tight flesh until she feltas if she was going to burst into flames.
Switching to theother nipple, he gave it the same thorough treatment. She wastrembling by the time he was at her stomach, his lips brushingagainst the firm tightness of the flesh. He circled her navel, takinglittle bites out of her skin. When he kissed the hairs covering hersex, she was mindless with desire and begging him to take her.
“Soon, baby.”He was maddened by her fevered cries and the scent of her stirringinside his nostrils. Seizing the swollen flesh, he sucked it into hismouth and had her lurching upwards; her body bent like a bow.
Ignoring his earliercommand about not touching him, she dug her fingers into thethickness of his hair and tugged - hard. The minute he drove histongue into her, she came. The orgasm was so powerful and explosivethat she almost upended him as her body surged desperately towardshis mouth.
“I can’ttake it. Please,” She whispered as he climbed on top of her.“It’s too much.”
“You are mine.”He drove into her forcefully, his hands gripping her face. “Sayit to me.”
“I am yours.”She was sobbing, her hands coming around his neck.
“And I amyours,” he whispered against her mouth. “Feel me.”He pushed deeper inside her. “This is yours. Tell me you knowthat.”
“Yes.”She was destroyed, her body so weak and shaken from the tempestuousclimax that she could barely breathe.
“Good,”Taking her mouth, he ravaged her lips as he wrung yet another climaxfrom her that had her clinging to him.
He came then, hisbody shuddering on top of her as he shot his load into her.
Hewas still kissing her even when the storm had died down. Gentling thekiss, he proved to her that she was the love of his life and that hebelonged to her.
Nikki looked up tosee Marge standing in the conference room doorway.
“Please excuseme.” She told the clients with a smile as she hurried towardthe woman.
“What is it?”
“The nursinghome has been trying to contact you.”
“I left my cellphone in my office. What is it?” But she already knew. Herassistant’s look told the story.
“No. No. No.”Whirling to the left, she raced into her office to pick up her phone.Gripping the device tight in her hand, she sank down into her chairand felt her limbs tremble.
She had left her dooropen and felt weak as her husband came striding in.
“I am afraid tocall.” She told him weakly. “Could you?” She thrustthe phone to him as he came to sit on the edge of her desk.
“Of course,darling.” He dutifully made the call, even though he hadalready confirmed what her assistant had told him.
“Yes, this isMarcel Hadley.” he listened for a minute as he was given thedetails again. “No, my wife is not ready to talk to you. Yes,we will be there as soon as we can.” Hanging up, he placed thephone on the desk.
“Just tenminutes ago. The nurse went in to give her some meds, and she wasunresponsive.”
“Whathappened?” She asked tonelessly.
“Another heartattack.” Taking her hand in his, he was startled at how cold itwas. “What do you want to do? Anything. I am here.”