Page 42 of Marcel
“You don’twant to play this game with me, Nikki. Believe me when I tell youthat I am way better at it. You are my goddamned wife-”
“Now I am yourwife!” She laughed mirthlessly. “Last night, when I askedyou the same question after you came in at that ungodly hour, whatwas your response- ‘We cohabitate.’ One rule does notapply to you, and another applies to me. You made it abundantly clearthat we are just two people living in the same space.”
“Is this howyou want it to be between us?” He asked her coldly.
“You startedit, Marcel. I didn’t. I am just following suit. After the othernight, I thought we had moved past the uncertainties and pettiness,but I was wrong. And right now, I just want you to leave my officeand allow me to get some work done.”
She held her breathas he stood there glaring at her, expelling it when he pushed awayfrom her desk and headed toward the door.
She was about toreach for her phone when he paused at the doorway. “Was he aboyfriend?”
Lifting her head, shelooked at the man she wanted so much to love her. As usual, he waswearing a striped suit, which sat on his magnificent frame like aglove. His hair was brushed ruthlessly back from his handsome face.“Yes.”
“I see.”He gave her a mocking look. “Is there any chance of thingsstarting up again between you?”
The idea that hewould ask her that question in such a careless manner broke her heartand had her lifting her chin. “You never know. They say oldflames are very easy to rekindle, right?”
Without another word,he left and slammed the door shut behind him. Leaning back againstthe chair, Nikki closed her eyes wearily.
“My dear, youare still here?”
She had been so deepin thought that she had not heard the door being opened.
Forcinga smile, Nikki sat up against the cushions and reached for the filesshe had put next to her on the table. “I had some reading tocatch up on.
Her father-in-lawcame further into the room and closed the door behind him.
“You can talkto me.” He told her quietly.
“No.”Shaking her head, she put aside the files and the pretense she wasworking. She and her husband were at odds, no - it was safe to saythey were at war, and she was tired. “I can’t.”
“Because he ismy son?”
“I know howstubborn he can be.”
Her laughter tinkledout, cutting off his sentence. “I can be stubborn, too. It’seither going to work out between us or not. Marcel has some issueswith the way we went about our marriage. I have tried to show himthat it was never about that, but he believes what he wants tobelieve.
We are married andmust find a way to work things out between us, James.” Shewarned. “I know he is your son, and it is your greatest wishfor him to be happy, but it has to be between us.” A smiletouched her lips. “And I am a big girl. I have been dealingwith trials and obstacles since my dad died. I know how to fight abattle.”
“I know youdo.” He told her gently. “You are one of the best lawyersI know.”
“Good.” Her smile widened at thecompliment coming from a man like him. “I will not allow myhusband to think he can walk all over me.”
“The children’scharity function is on Saturday, and you know that the law firm hasalways hosted the event.”
“Oh, we will bethere.” She promised. “I just might stop in to seeMonique Romano to get her to design something fabulous for me.”
He rose and cameforward to take her hand as she stood up. “Why don’t youtake Julia with you?” Drawing her in for a kiss, he hugged her.“Don’t give up on him, please.”
“I won’t.”
“And go home.”
“I will.”