Page 31 of Marcel
“I am guessingyou did not inherit that particular skill.” He murmured.
“No.” Sheshook her head. “I was always reading and asking Daddyquestions.”
“What didhe do?”
“He was a civilengineer and was so humble that you would never believe he was sodamn good at his job. I admired him so much that I wanted to be likehim when I was younger.”
“Then youdecided you want to become a lawyer.”
Nikki nodded. “Ibecame fascinated with the workings of the law when I was fifteen andnever wanted to do anything else. Then we lost him to a freakaccident when I was seventeen-” She looked away from him again,and he could see her fighting the tears.
Making a decision, herose, walked swiftly over to the sofa, and scooped her into his arms.
“No.” Shetried to fight him, but he remained firm. “I don’t wantto cry,” She whispered.
“It might bethe best thing for you to do.” Tucking her face into his chest,he stroked her back. It was as if the dam had been broken. A torrentof tears flowed from her and had her clinging to him.
He listened insilence, rubbing her back as she flooded his shirt with her tears.Emotions clutched at him and had his body go rigid with sorrow. Shehad always appeared to be so strong and fiercely independent that hehad never would have suspected she was this vulnerable or needy.
When it becameobvious that the tears had abated and her slender body had stoppedshaking, he eased her away a little. Tucking his fingers under herchin, he tipped her face up, feeling the jolt at her tear-soakedcheeks and spiky lashes.
Something shiftedinside him, and the need to lose himself in her was so fierce that hehad to move a little so she could not feel the evidence.
“I think youneed to lie down for a bit.” He told her gruffly, rising withher in his arms.
“I ruined yourhorrendously expensive shirt.” She murmured, her hands snakingaround his neck.
“Remind me tobuy another and put it on your tab,” he said lightly as heeffortlessly bounded up the stairs.
“Thanks.”She whispered.
“Giving me thechance to vent.”
They had reached herbedroom, and he laid her gently against the pillows.
“Part of thejob. Let’s get you out of this, shall we?” His tone wasbrisk, deliberately so. He was fighting the urge to make love to her,and it was not working. “Turn so that I can get the zipper.”She did, and he had to breathe before easing it down, the soundmaking an unnaturally loud noise in the silent room.
Ignoring the bareexpanse of flesh, he pulled it off her arms, and when she turned ontoher back, he had to fight the urge to press his lips against herskin. He was going to have to take off her bra, and his skin wasalready so hot he felt as if he was burning up.
Springing off thebed, he stood there looking at her.
“Did you- doyou have any clothing left here?”
“I think thereare some in the drawers over there.” She pointed to the chestof drawers in the corner of the room.
“Good.”Turning on his heels, he walked over to the piece of furniture, hisbody as tight as a coiled spring.
Yanking the draweropen, he took out a T-shirt and turned to go back to her. She hadfinished undressing and was only wearing panties. He could not move.It felt as if all the breath had been sucked out of his body, and hewas one big raging erection. Her breasts were surprisingly generous,the nipples puckered.
He had to drag hiseyes away from her nipples to stare at her face, but that was an evenbigger mistake. Her lips were parted, the bottom one lush and moist.Her hair had slipped from the chignon, and several curls trailed downher cheeks. She was enticingly delectable, and he was ravenous.
Moving swiftly tobridge the distance, he stood at the side of the bed and continuedstaring at her as he unbuttoned his shirt. Keeping his eyes on her soshe would not doubt his intention, he shrugged off the shirt, whichdropped to the floor. Next came his undershirt. It all seemed to behappening slowly as if he was dragging out the moment.