Page 28 of Marcel
Looking at hisbrother, he saw the expression on his face and was about to tell herto instruct the woman to call him back, but decided to take it.
“Put herthrough.”
“I am staying,”Matthew told him coolly.
“Suityourself.” Punching the button, he picked up the receiver.“Simone, how are you?” He listened for a minute, anglinghimself away from his brother as he listened.
“That’snot going to be possible.” He listened again. “Because Ijust returned, and I am swamped.” He listened again. “Iwill call you later.” Another pause. “Yes, I promise.”
Hangingup, he went around his desk and sat down. “I am waiting.”
“You don’twant to know what I am thinking.”
“Let’shave it anyway,” he said shortly.
“You need tocut that off.”
“It’s notthat easy.”
“You have awife-”
“That dadbought for me.” He reminded Matthew with a twist to his lips.“Do you know how often I thought about forgetting that aspectand taking advantage of what she represents?
The entire damn time.It’s torture living in the same space with her. Her scent isinside my bathroom, and her clothes hang inside my closet. But Icannot touch her. Do you know why? Tell you she was bought for me,and I cannot get past that.”
“I don’twant to talk about my marriage. Let’s get on with this, shallwe?”
“Where isshe?”
“Mr. Hadley,sir.” Marge jumped to her feet as the man strode into theoffice. She had been so caught up with the contract she had beforeher on the desktop that she had not heard him come in.
“Where is yourboss?”
“Oh. She had tostep out.”
“She is notanswering her phone.”
“She got a callfrom the nursing home where her mother is.”
“Is everythingokay?” Marcel asked with a frown.
“I- She did notsay anything much, but I did overhear her say something like astroke.”
“Her mother hada stroke, and she did not call me?”
“I am -”
“Do you havethe address?”
“Yes, sir. It’sright here.”
Taking the paper fromher, he strode from the office.