Page 26 of Marcel
“Your name wasadded to the selective parking space. Over there.” He pointedto the space next to Marcel’s name.
“Oh. Wow.Thanks.”
“Welcome back,Mrs. Hadley.”
“I- Thanks.”Shoving the lever into reverse, she drove to the area and slid intothe slot. Grabbing her briefcase and pocketbook, she opened the doorand walked swiftly towards the elevator.
The car was empty,which was a relief to her. She had yet to learn what the receptionwould be like. She was now a Hadley and no longer one of the gangs.Stepping off onto her floor, she was surprised to see James andMatthew waiting for her.
“The welcomingcommittee?” She asked with a pleased smile.
“Of course.”James moved forward to envelop her in a warm embrace. “Where isyour husband?”
“On his way. Ihad to come in to deal with the Miller crisis.”
“Right backinto the thick of things.” Matthew hugged her briefly, a warmsmile tugging at his lips.
“We have asurprise for you.”
“I am not suremy heart can take anything else. I have a new parking space.”
“Of course, mydear.” Taking her hand, James slid it through his arm. “Let’sgo back inside the car, shall we?”
She did so withoutquestion and waited silently as they were zipped up to the top floor.
“Here we are.”With a flourish, James led her to a pair of large Redwood doubledoors and pushed them open. “This office has been emptying eversince we lost Adrian Copeland. We managed to redecorate it to yourspecifications during your absence. Ah, your assistant is right ontime.”
Nikki entered thevast, elegant space with the paneled wood and thick gold and whitecarpet in a daze.
“All yours.”
“I am not asenior partner.”
“That will beonly a matter of time,” James assured her. “This officeis a few feet from your husband’s and perfectly suitable foryour new status.”
“As Marcel’swife.”
“The board-”
“They have allsigned on,” he assured her swiftly, giving Nikki the impressionthat he had powerfully armed them into agreeing to the change.
“I don’tknow what to say.” She said slowly.
“Say you likeit.”
“I love it.Thanks.” She divided a glance between the two men.
“Then our workhere is done. We will leave you to get acquainted with the new spaceand get out of your hair. Again, welcome back.”
Nikki waited untilthey had left before turning to her legal secretary.
“Oh mygoodness, Marge! Did you know about this?”
“They swore meto secrecy, Mrs. Hadley,” The middle-aged woman said in anuncharacteristically formal tone.