Page 1 of Marcel
Chapter 1
Every step throughthe hallway brought him closer to the inner sanctum of his father'ssumptuous suite of offices. Ignoring several partners' curious andveiled looks on his journey up, Marcel continued, barely glancing atthe paneled walls, his Italian loafers sinking into the lushhoney-gold carpet.
He had been summonedand had a sinking feeling that he knew what it was about. The outeroffice was empty, and he was not in the least bit surprised. It wasafter office hours, and his Dad’s assistant had probably leftfor the day or had been told she was not needed.
Taking a deep breath,he pushed the double doors open and stood poised in the doorway,taking in the scene. His mother and brother were also there. Matthewlooked over at him, his handsome face slightly apologetic.
The office was largeand comfortable, with a stunning city view. The baronial desk whereJames Hadley sat had been there since Marcel could remember, and itperfectly suited his father’s imposing six-foot-three frame.
“Come on in andclose the door.” The deep voice had an authoritative ring to itthat was familiar.
“I had no ideathis was a family meeting.” Striving for nonchalance, Marceldid as he was told and entered the room. Walking over to where hismother sat on a plush chair, he bent down to kiss her cheek andnoticed the paleness of her face.
“Darling.”With a light touch on his face, she attempted a smile.
His brotheracknowledged the greeting with a nod from the corner of the roomwhere he was leaning against the wall.
“Sit.”His father told him brusquely.
“I prefer tostand.”
“Very well.”James Hadley eyed his son with cold precision. He was the middlechild, and what they said about children born in the middle was nottrue for Marcel.
He was devastatinglygorgeous. Matthew was merely attractive, and their youngest sistercould be passed for beautiful in a pale way, but it was as if thegood Lord had decided to spend a lot of time on Marcel.
He had inheritedhis mother’s thick, sable brown hair, streaked liberally withgold, and her beautiful amber eyes. Both of his sons had inheritedhis lofty height, of course. Both boys had graduated from HarvardLaw, but Marcel was brilliant and had been at the top of his class.
Matthew was happilymarried and expecting his first child, and Julia was engaged tosomeone. This left the painful topic of his middle son, one that hadbeen going on far too long now and had to be addressed.
“Rumors arecirculating about you and Simone Wellington.”
“It’sjust rumors.” Marcel walked over to the cabinet and shoved hishands into the pockets of his immaculately cut dress pants. “Ihope you don’t mind if I have a drink. It was brutal in courttoday.”
“Her husbandcame to see me earlier today.”
Marcel forced hisfingers to relax as he poured the drink. “He is a seniorpartner here; why should the fact that he came to see you be an issueor of particular importance?”
“He wants youfired or married.”
Marcel turned to facehim, drink in hand. “Are you serious? I cannot be fired. I am aHadley and a very integral part of this firm.”
“That’sprecisely what I told the poor man.”
“Well then,”Marcel lifted the glass and took a sip. “And he and Simone areabout to be separated anyway.”
“Was that whatshe told you?”
“Yes.”He bit out. “He is not good enough for her. She isbeautiful-”
“And a tramp.”His father’s steel gray eyes smoldered.
“This law firmhas been in the family for nearly a century. We represent the elitistsociety. There has never been even the slightest breath of scandalafter the debacle of a few years ago when that mad man we employedstarted accepting bribes from drug dealers.” His eyes flashedas he stared at his son.
“You are notjust a member of this team, of this firm; you are my son and aresupposed to be an example. I will not tolerate you seeing a marriedwoman and trying to break up a marriage.”