Page 12 of Daddy's Mad Love
Some small, wild, demented part of my body pulsed wetly with interest, defying my convictions, a tiny, remembered sting jabbing through my nipple where he’d harshly pinched it earlier. The memory of being helpless while he stood behind me, able to do whatever he wanted to me.
“No,” I said defiantly. I would not be ruled by the strange, savage impulses I didn’t understand, much less desired. It was mind over body, and I was determined my intellect and rational thinking would win out. I was prepared for him now. I knew what he could do to me, how he could make me feel, and I would be on guard.
He pressed his hand on my back, sliding it lower and holding me closer. The hard rod of his arousal dug into my stomach, and a flutter of fear ran through me. Earlier, he’d demonstrated how no one would help, but at least it had only been the chief watching.
Surely, he didn’t mean to expose me here in such a manner. We were in the middle of the dance floor of a crowded club, for crying out loud!
Yet if he did, I would be powerless to stop him and doubted anyone else would intervene. I already knew the bartender recognized him. If he took me now, in the middle of the filthy floor, would anyone even try to stop him? Or would they just continue carrying on as if nothing was happening?
I didn’t want to know the answer, knowing I wouldn’t like it.
Lowering his lips to my ear, he nuzzled along my hairline, his teeth gently nipping my lobe. The very closeness of his hard body against mine, the intimate way his breath warmed my neck, heightened my senses and stirred my reluctant arousal even higher.
“Then be a good girl for me, Hailey, and I won’t need to, will I?”
Be a good girl.
Submit. Marry him. Have his children. Pretend I didn’t know about the blood on his hands, the violence of his work, the danger to everyone and everything I held dear as long as I was part of the Familias. Pretend I was content to be dragged back into the life I’d been determined to leave behind… had left behind until now.
It took every ounce of willpower I had not to scream my refusal, not to shake my head, not to reject him and everything he stood for right then and there. I knew it would do me no good. I needed to bide my time until I could escape and leave this all far behind. Again.
I couldn’t make myself say the words, nodding my head meekly and dropping my gaze, so he couldn’t see into my eyes. It was a stance I remembered well, though I hated it. My grandfather had always bought my supposed quiet acquiescence, never suspecting a thing.
Giacomo, on the other hand, chuckled as though he knew what I was thinking, plotting. His grip on me tightened.
“Going to play it that way, are you?” he asked silkily. “Very well then, I’d like to see what a good girl you can be for me.”
Dread rose inside me as he dropped his arm, keeping one around my waist but no longer dancing with me, and led me toward the back of the club. What had I gotten myself into now?
This hadn’t been part of my plan for the evening, but I was curious to see how far Hailey was willing to go to convince me she was ready to meekly submit to my demands. I didn’t believe it for a second, of course. As I’d told her, I knew her far better than she realized. However, my cock was achingly hard, and I wanted to see just how far I could push her. She came, reluctantly but willingly, with several glances over her shoulder for her friend.
“Don’t worry about her,” I murmured into Hailey’s ear. “Gio will take care of her while you’re taking care of me.”
“That’s what I’m worried about,” she muttered, making me chuckle again.
Gio truly wouldn’t harm her friend. He knew I’d make him pay if he did. Besides, from the way he’d been looking at the blonde, he seemed to want to make a good impression.
The bartender nodded as I passed the bar into the hallway in the back, and I felt Hailey tense.
“You’re involved in this place, aren’t you?” Her tone was tinted with bitterness and self-recrimination, though she tried to hide it.
“Where do you think they get their liquor?” Amused, I led her to the manager’s office, knocking on the door before opening it. Mr. Bredt sat behind the desk, his head coming up and eyes widening when he saw me. He jumped to his feet.
“Mr. DiNardo, what can I do for you?”
“I need to borrow your office for ten minutes or so, if I may.”
“Of course, of course.” Grabbing up his papers, the manager practically sprinted from the office, giving us a jerky head nod before he disappeared, closing the door behind him.
Turning my attention back to my betrothed, I smiled down at her, enjoying the wariness in her expression before she dropped her gaze again. Now, now, I couldn’t have any of that. Cupping her chin, I tilted her head back, so she was forced to meet my eyes as my thumb swept over her plump lower lip.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me, Hailey?” My cock pulsed eagerly in anticipation.
“What do you want me to do?”
She seemed caught between bravado and meekness, not wanting to back down while pretending to be more docile than she actually was. Watching the conflict amused me.