Page 40 of Beauty's Twisted Tyrant
"He took her," I growl, my voice low and dangerous. My best friend betrayed me. For the last two days, he's smiled in my face, patted me on the back, and the entire fucking time, he's the one who took her from me.
"There's blood on the fabric, Troy."
I flip it over, my gaze landing on the blood smeared across the yellow fabric. The stain is old, at least two days.
The whole goddamn world disappears in a haze of white-hot rage.
I bellow like a wounded animal, raw fury surging through me. I drop the fabric, my body already in motion before my thoughts catch up. I charge for the door—for Samson.
If he's still in this castle, I'm going to fucking kill him. Just as soon as he tells me what he did to her.
"Troy!" My father tries to stop me.
"Let him go," Phillip advises.
I ignore them both, throwing open the doors to the throne room and launching myself down the hallway. My feet pound against the tiles as I race toward my study, looking left and right, searching for any sign of the bastard.
I spot him at the end of the hallway.
I don't stop. I don't think. I plow into him like a raging bull, knocking him off his feet. He goes sprawling across the tiles.
"You motherfucker!" I roar, flipping him onto his back. My fist connects with his face in a sickening crunch.
"Jesus, Troy!" he cries, bringing his hands up as if to protect himself, but I don't give him the opportunity. My fist connects with his face again and then again, blood pouring from his nose.
I shake my hand out, my knuckles bleeding and screaming in pain. I barely feel them as Samson groans.
"You tried to shoot her while she was asleep and defenseless," I snarl, wrapping my hand around his throat and shaking him like a ragdoll. "Is she alive? Tell me now!"
"Y-yes," he wheezes, his face turning red and then purple from lack of oxygen.
The red haze clouding my vision creeps back an inch. For the first time in two days, I take a breath. And then I remember the blood on that scrap of her dress. The thought chokes me, and I tighten my grip once more.
"What did you do to her?" I demand, enjoying the way panic washes through his eyes as he struggles to breathe. He deserves to know what it feels like to fear for his life. That's what he did to her. He deserves to feel like he'll never breathe again. That's how I've felt for two fucking days.
"Let him breathe, Troy." My father places his hand on my shoulder. I didn't even know he was behind me. "Let him breathe so he can answer you."
I loosen my grip only slightly.
Samson sucks in a rattling breath.
"What did you do to her?" I growl again, impatient for the answer, even knowing it may destroy me.
"N-nothing, Troy," he wheezes. "I swear, I didn't do anything."
"You fucking liar. You took her from me. There was blood on her dress."
"I didn't touch her!" he cries, fear raging like a storm in his eyes. "I swear to you, I didn't! She cut her arm on a branch."
"She didn't leave on her own. She wouldn't."
"I t-told her that you wanted her dead," he rasps, his voice shaking as he tries to suck in air and speak through the small amount of space I've allowed him. "She said that if I let her live, she'd leave and never return."
"You told her that I ordered you to kill her," I say, pure murder dripping from every word. For the second time in as many minutes, I cut off his air supply, the urge to kill him overwhelming.
The sorry son of a bitch didn't just try to take her life, he broke her heart before he did it. He shattered every ounce of trust she had in me. Everything we had together, everything we were, he destroyed in one cruel act. And then he sent her into the forest, alone and unprotected.
"Troy, let him breathe."