Page 92 of Chosen By the Fae King
As I passed Nox, Hilda tsked at me for putting my hands into my pockets and I let out a low growl. The animalistic sound startled me. I'd never made such a noise, like a woodland predator provoked.
A roomful of eyes fell upon me but I pretended nothing had happened.
Nox watched on in amusement, a smile playing about his lips. His gaze met mine, gray eyes glinting with mirth. “Are you not enjoying yourself, Lady Aeryn?”
I glowered at him. “No, Your Majesty, I am not.”
“Whyever not?” He looked genuinely curious but I knew better. He was enjoying this.
“I find these concerns rather superficial, Your Majesty. A person's worth should not be measured by how they stand or whether their nails are clean.”
A ripple of laughter spread through the spectators at my boldness. Hilda's mouth pinched, color rising in her cheeks. She didn't appreciate being challenged.
Nox's smile widened. “An interesting perspective. Perhaps you find this particular trial irrelevant to your values then?”
“I value loyalty and courage when being tested,” I said. “Not whether someone holds a teacup properly.”
“Spoken like a true warrior,” Nox laughed, the sound warm and pleased. “Very well, I believe we have seen enough. I name Aeryn the winner of this trial, as well.”
My jaw dropped as scattered applause broke out. “But, Your Majesty, I didn't actually compete. I didn't put on a dress or heels.”
Nox came around the table. “Are you in the room?”
“Are you following Lady Hilda's instructions?”
I tried to say as best I could but the lie died in my throat. “Basically.”
He laughed again. “Then you competed. I found it charming and highly entertaining, two things I value greatly.”
Nox's gaze glinted with mischief. “And a private dinner shall be your reward. I expect to be further entertained.”
A blush crept into my cheeks at the anticipation in his voice. I didn't care for how he acted in front of the contestants, but I believed he felt he had to.
A pause of silence then murmurs of envy and frustration rippled through the crowd at Nox's pronouncement.
“This is unacceptable!” Cadence shrieked, stomping her foot. “She didn't even try!”
“Silence,” Nox commanded, pinning her with a stern look. She cringed but obeyed, swallowing her protests.
Nox turned back to me, extending his hand. “Shall we?”
Heart pounding, I placed my hand in his. His fingers curled around mine, warm and sure. I fought not to react as he led me from the hall amidst the curious stares of onlookers.
Zoriyah looked especially peeved. She wasn't the only one, but she was the only one I was certain would take my life at the first opportunity.
We entered the royal wing of the castle, passing through a set of ornate doors. I followed Nox to his private dining chamber, my heart racing with anticipation and nerves. The room was dimly lit, with a low fire crackling in the hearth, lending warmth and a soft glow to the surroundings.
Nox guided me to a chair, one near the fire. “Some wine?”
I nodded, suddenly nervous. What exactly did a private dinner with the King of Falcondale entail when he wasn't tending to my wounds?
Nox poured two glasses from a black bottle with no label. As he handed one to me, his fingers brushed mine. A spark leapt between us and he smiled, slow and predatory.
He sat, scooting his chair closer to mine. Closer than necessary. Closer than appropriate for dinner.
“To clever tongues and refreshing honesty.” He tapped his glass against mine.