Page 50 of Chosen By the Fae King
“But I can try,” I smiled, bumping his shoulder with mine. “It's difficult for me to admit, but I don't think you're the asshole you're trying to be.”
The corner of his mouth quirked, and in that moment a flicker of warmth passed between us. A feeling of understanding, of kinship. I realized then how assuming I'd been of the male.
“I'll escort you back.” He stood and offered me his hand. Taking it, he helped me and my sore muscles to stand.
“And you'll check in on Raina?”
Liam looked down, looking more like a youngling than a grown male. He might be an ass, but it was his job I supposed. My need to comfort killed my good sense and I threw my arms around him.
His frame stiffened. “What are you doing?”
“You look like you need a hug. So I'm hugging you. Deal with it.”
I held on, wondering how many of these he'd ever gotten. The Duersians weren't known for showing compassion.
The male surprised me when his arms slowly came around, one hand awkwardly patting my back. I laughed and lifted my head to see a smile stretch across his face.
A low growl startled us both. We turned as one to find Nox emerging from the shadows, his face carved from stone.
“Step away from her.” His voice was deceivingly soft. He strode toward us, silver eyes glowing. “Now.”
We stepped apart.
Nox kept coming until he stood toe to toe with Liam. “You overreach, my friend.”
My heart leapt in alarm and I opened my mouth to explain.
The king rounded on me. “Do you sit around at night plotting ways to drive me mad?”
Now I was the one taken aback.
“Because seducing my soldiers will surely get you more than my attention.”
Anger flashed through me. “That's not what happened here and you know it!” I snapped. “You have no right to accuse me of such things!”
Nox ignored my words, turning his head to Liam with a predatory gleam in his eye. Liam stiffened, his hands curling into fists, but he made no move to back away.
“Nox, you go too far,” Liam bit out.
“Do I? You touch what is mine,” Nox's voice vibrated, sounding more animal than fae.
My mind rebelled at his irrational claim while my body reacted with heated interest. Did he see the pool of candidates as his?
I'd had enough. Stepping between them, I shoved Nox back with a snarl. “I am not a possession for you to claim.”
Nox's gaze darkened, and for a moment I thought he might strike me. Then he seized my arm and dragged me down the corridor, throwing open the first door he came across.
He backed me inside, slamming the door behind him, and I found myself pinned against cold stone with Nox's hard body pressed into my own.
“You drive me mad, little menace,” he growled, fisting a hand in my hair to wrench my head back. His eyes blazed like star fire, blinding in their intensity.
I shuddered, emboldened by his confession. “I thought I was a hellion?”
“You're a hellion when you're impressing me. You're a menace when you destroy my control.”
He crushed his mouth to mine, kissing me with a savage hunger that stole my breath. I kissed him back just as fiercely, nails pressing into his back, and he groaned into my mouth.
The heat between us was scalding. Our hands roamed and clutched in between searing kisses. Nox slid the length of my skirt up my thighs, and I moaned as his fingers traced a path up my legs.