Page 11 of Chosen By the Fae King
“I am Lorne Scullbrook, but you'll call me sire or my lord.”
Well, that explained it. He was one of the king's brothers, the second one, I believed. Allegedly the youngest two hadn't lived at Thornewood since they were babes but I'd never heard why.
“I'm overseeing the trials. You have a problem getting along with another contestant? Not interested. A complaint or special request? Really not interested.”
He strode purposefully to the black door on the far side of the room as he spoke. “What I am interested in is that you follow the rules, which have all been written down and placed on your dressers. The primary one being you do not maim or kill another contestant outside of the trials where it is not explicitly forbidden.”
Sofiya and I glanced at one another.
Lorne took up position against the wall. “Now, you'll be called in one at a time, by order of your room numbers. I suggest you prepare yourselves to meet your king if you haven't yet had the pleasure.”
“Zoriyah, you're first.” Reaching out, he rapped twice on the paneled door.
The female with the pinkish curls stood gracefully. Now I had a name to go with the attitude.
I squashed my desire to peek when the door opened and instead focused on my friend. Grimly, Sofiya smiled and gave a little shrug. If she could be brave, so could I.
Long minutes passed in the silent room. I got up to find a book to keep me occupied. If King Nox was going to spend this much time with each female, we'd be here a while.
Just as I'd put my hand on a leather spine, the door opened. Zoriyah's haughty smirk seemed typical. Her state of disarray did not. The turquoise silken gown she donned was now wrinkled. Her lips swollen and face flushed.
By the gods, had the king ravaged her in that room?
I hardly heard Lorne call for the next contestant, too focused on Zoriyah passing by.
“As good as you remember?” a female whispered mischievously.
“Better, Dori. He's even better,” Zoriyah bragged, winking at me as she moved past and exited.
A rock sank in my stomach. Sofiya shot me a worried look.
Obviously Zoriyah and Nox had a history. That's what that was; and more power to her. If he was into her, it would keep the rest of us out of his notice. I hoped.
I grabbed the book and the one next to it and returned to my seat. Handing one to Sofiya I nodded meaningfully at it. Silently, we buried our heads in the stories.
By the time I ended the second chapter, the next female stumbled out, clutching at the choker around her throat. The stain on her lips had smeared. Dreamily she floated back through the common room's entrance.
There were twenty-four contestants, plus one more if I counted Astrid. Did the king mean to have his way with them all? Or whatever it was he was doing to them?
“Do you think ...” an ethereal voice began. “Are we expected to–”
“Quiet Raina or I'll muzzle you myself,” ordered a male from the hallway.
I looked up to see violet eyes flash as Sir Chocolate entered. Raina. The pale blonde fae Lorne had glared at. She wasn't off to a great start.
The soldier marched straight toward her. Raina popped out of her chair and circled behind it, hands clutched on the back.
“That's right, run away from me, little nymph” he smirked bitterly. “It's what you do best, after all.”
Raina flinched. “Liam, I—"
“Need to sit down and shut up,” he finished for her. “Nox will be done with you soon enough.”
She blinked rapidly, nodding to herself as her cheeks bloomed. I snapped my book shut with a thud, startling Raina. I motioned her over to sit on the couch with us, relieved when she did.
Liam gave the three of us a glare then took up his post next to Lorne. I handed Raina my book and retrieved a third. Maybe I'd have time to finish one.
A couple of hours passed by and I let myself become engrossed in the book, a tale of dragon riders fighting off the powers of evil in a dying land. What I wouldn't give to have a dragon right now.