Page 103 of Chosen By the Fae King
I woke slowly, drifting from dreams of Nox into the reality of his arms around me. My eyes blinked open to find him gazing down at me, a soft smile curving his lips.
“How do you feel?” he asked, brushing a stray lock of hair from my face.
“Better.” I stretched, muscles protesting only slightly. “Healing nicely, I think.”
A flicker of guilt crossed his expression. “I am sorry I put you in danger. I never thought Zoriyah would dare to break the rules so blatantly, knowing she'd be disqualified for using her magic like that.”
I pressed a finger to his mouth. “I'm fine. What's done is done. If it helps, she knew nothing of your father's assassination. Her only thoughts were of her insane need to do away with me because she was convinced I was the only obstacle in her way.”
He kissed my fingertip and pulled it away from his lips. “She was low on the list of candidates who may have ties to the traitors. She was always desirous of a high station in life, I just never believed she'd go that far.”
“That's sad.”
Nox quirked an eyebrow.
“She believed herself to be in love with you, that you were meant to be together,” my voice was steady but the words twisted my stomach. “I think it was starting to drive her mad, that she might not be able to win. I can't imagine that sort of desperation.”
Nox kissed my fingertip again before flattening my palm to his chest. “You're too forgiving.”
“I don't think it's forgiveness but rather, believe it or not, the fact I take no pleasure in thinking of how things played out. I'm relieved that the threat from her is gone, but I didn't wish her dead.”
A small shudder wracked through me and Nox shifted closer. I stroked the skin over his heart, feeling its strong, steady beat.
Suddenly I was very aware the male was very naked. He'd must have undressed while I was sleeping.
My cheeks warmed at the memory of what he said he would do when he had me in his bed. I could practically feel every hot-blooded touch he'd ever placed on my body.
And the kisses, those life-changing kisses on my heated flesh. My muscles clenched and I grew damp.
Nox inhaled, pectorals flexing under my hand. I wanted his hands on me, his flesh touching mine.
“If the trials hadn't happened,” I said quietly, “we wouldn't have met. And without my beast being provoked and, um, stimulated, we might not have … done any of the things we did. Like what we did the last time in my room.”
Nox's resulting chuckle rumbled between us, eliciting a responding shiver of delight. “No, kitten, I rather think we were headed in that direction regardless of your baast genetics, if that's what you're getting at,” amusement dancing in his eyes. “But I'll admit your beast's nature did speed things up a bit.”
I hummed at the feel of slight scruff on his jawline as his nose skimmed the side of mine. The innocuous touch was gentle and intimate, yet possessive at the same time.
His soft breath on my skin tickled feather-light, but was full of sensation and promise. The exquisite sensation left me trembling.
“You're probably right,” I admitted, more to myself than to him. “Though now … I rather wish … well …”
I took a breath, reaching for courage, and picked up my arousal, saturating the heated air.
“Say it, kitten,” Nox huskily demanded.
Oh, hell.
“I wish we'd gotten to the speeding up part sooner.” There. I'd said it.
Nox growled and took my mouth, his hands roaming over me in a way that made my blood heat. He pulled me on top of him so I straddled his hips, rubbing my core wantonly over his throbbing flesh.
Instinct was driving me and I didn't fight it. Everything about his long, lean body, his rippling muscles, felt right.
Giant palms came down on my ass, pressing me down as Nox ground up against me. The tip of his erection poked at my entrance and I wiggled to get more, feeling desperate to know him like this.
Nox stilled my movements. I wiggled again, whining in frustration.