Page 88 of Bad Boy Neighbor
Taronga Zoo is nothing like the other zoos I have visited. There are so many habitats to explore and interactive experiences. I cuddle my first koala—a once-in-a-lifetime moment as the cuddly little bear latches onto me as if its life depends on it.
I visit the giraffes and even watch the chimpanzees play with each other in their captivity. And the thing which surprises me the most, I venture into the snake cave. Snakes petrify me. It’s almost pitch black in the cave, and my heart is racing a million miles a minute, but I’m determined to see every snake and read about their habitats which are described on small Perspex display boards.
As I stare at the python watching it hiss, the space beside me becomes increasingly warm. Careful not to move, I calculate the likeliness of a snake escaping. I have no idea what to do in case of a snake attack. On the plane ride over here, Sebastian told me Australia’s the deadliest country in the world with snakes, spiders, and several creepy-crawly things which could kill you in zero-point-five seconds.
“Why are you here?”
My mouth falls open, my hand flying toward my chest in shock. The voice startled me more than the thought of any snake. I can barely see him amongst the dark shadows, but even in this humidity, I can smell his cologne. It’s just as I remember it— a manly scent mixed with rainforest and a fresh summer’s breeze.
“Why are you here?” I ask, catching my breath.
“Will you answer me?”
“Oh, so now you want to talk?” I note with dark amusement, crossing my arms beneath my breasts. “How very convenient of you.”
“What do you expect, Gabriella? You ambush me at my apartment expecting me to welcome you with open arms. The last time I saw you, you pretty much said ‘fuck you, I’d rather marry some imbecile and live on Daddy’s money.’ ”
“That’s not fair,” I yell, causing a reaction from the snake. It makes my heart stop. “You don’t think I know I made a mistake? Of course, I do, okay? I have to wake up every day regretting that moment, that decision. And you know what else I regret, trying to apologize. You’re an asshole. There, I’ve said it. Now, if you excuse me, I want to enjoy the rest of my day and get out of this cave.”
I walk out into the sunlight, my heart still beating erratically. I don’t know what scares me the most—Oliver and his ambush or the damn snakes.
“Gabriella, stop! Will you stop?” he demands as I walk toward the next enclosure.
“Why? So you can fire more hate toward me. It’s clear you’ve moved on. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come here. I just thought…”
“You thought what?”
“I just don’t want there to be hard feelings between us,” I admit, crossing my arms again to shield myself from the spray of hurt he’s about to unleash all over me.
Oliver stills his movements, his eyes size me up from head to toe.
Can he be more obvious?
I’m not wearing anything questionable, yet his gaze is full of jealousy like I have done something wrong.
“Are you here with someone?”
“No,” I’m quick to respond. “And if I were, what does it matter?”
“What about last night? Who was he?”
“Last night? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t with a guy.”
Oliver lets out a loud, obnoxious laugh, glancing aside at his own private joke. “Wow! Now you’re going to fucking lie to me?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? I wasn’t with a guy last night. And even if I was, it’s none of your damn business. You have Krystal.”
“Krystal is nobody. She is not a part of my life.”
“Oh, sorry… just a quick booty call for the night, then?”
“No…” he stumbles, uncomfortably. “It was unfortunate you saw her.”
“Yes… unfortunate.”
The nerve of him to question my whereabouts. I need to put him in his place. Just as I’m about to do so, he opens his filthy mouth once again.
“So, you’re fucking older men now?”