Page 106 of Bad Boy Neighbor
But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The pregnancy, and the birth, meant we had to put off the wedding. Between Olly playing soccer, sorting out our visas so we could live in both the States and Australia, plus working with Sebastian on setting up the youth soccer academy, there was time for little else. I enjoy telling people I’m technically still on the market just to rile up a reaction from him.
Olly’s phone on the counter begins to chime, and quickly, he passes Maverick over to me.
“Hello, Oliver speaking,” he says, walking out of the room to take the call.
Sebastian places his fork down at the same time Bubbles hops into the room and rubs his body against Sebastian’s chair.
“Are you sure you don’t need my help with the fundraiser next week?” he asks, rubbing behind Bubbles’ ear. “And I’m almost done with interviewing the summer coaches.”
I swallow the piece of bread I’m eating, balancing Maverick on one knee. “All under control. You just go have a baby.”
Lana huffs. “Yeah… Sebastian is going to be so busy.”
We chat for a little while longer until Olly walks back into the room. His expression is blanching, almost pale. Rubbing his arms absently, he sits at the table in utter silence.
Worried, I place my hand on his. “Olly, what’s wrong?”
“I’ve been asked to attend a meeting here in LA…” he trails off in a neutral tone. “They’re offering me a deal to play for major league soccer.”
Sebastian scrapes his chair along the floor, jumping up. “Mate! This is fucking amazing!”
“Sebastian, language,” Lana scolds. “Olly, what does this mean?
“It means they want me to play in the midfield. They’re offering me a three-year contract.” A smile finally plays on his lips, reality starting to kick in. “I’ve dreamed of playing major league soccer for such a long time, but?—”
“But nothing.” I place my hand on his, squeezing it tight. “I’m so proud of you. Where do you need us and when?”
Sebastian laughs as if he’s in on the private joke.
Damn these boys and their soccer knowledge.
“Here.” Olly grins. “The home ground is thirty minutes away.”
With Maverick on my lap, I lean as close as possible to squeeze into Olly’s embrace. This is such amazing news. At times, the traveling back and forth from Australia has proved exhausting. Knowing we can spend more time in the States has lifted my mood.
Sebastian brings a bottle of scotch to the table. “This calls for a celebration.”
Lana’s face widens in shock, her hands instantly clutching her stomach.
“Holy shit… it’s time.”
“Time for what?” Sebastian asks, oblivious to his wife and still pouring the scotch.
Upon glancing down, her leggings are soaked.
“My water just broke.”
We still our movements. Even Bubbles stops chomping his big rabbit teeth.
Sebastian races next door to grab Lana’s bag while Olly loads Lana into the van. I stay behind with Maverick and Ace, panicking as the memory of giving birth comes crashing like torrential waves.
I’m panicking, the thought of it all just too fresh. Unknowingly, I squeeze my legs shut, remembering the moment like it happened yesterday.
When everyone is in the car, I head outside. I reassure Lana that Ace will be fine with us for as long as we need to take care of him while she goes and has the baby. I go as far as to let her know Bubbles is even welcomed to stay over.
After the rush of getting her to the hospital, Olly collapses on the sofa, and I fall beside him. The two of us watch Ace sit beside Maverick who’s propped up in his little baby chair. He runs his monster trucks in front of him, goading a spurt of giggles as he makes loud noises.