Page 50 of Hateful Games
“You heard me.”
In all of the drama, I completely forgot to confirm how she found out about Rudra, her bodyguard. I simply assumed she must have noticed him or something.
“How exactly did you find out about Rudra?”
Her innocent expression doesn’t waver. “At the moment, he’s lying behind a dumpster in a dark alley somewhere. Probably searching for water to wash out all the pepper spray from his eyes. A whole bottle, just FYI.”
At the same time, my phone pings with a text. Amusement gone, I harden my gaze and keep it pinned on her as I pull it out of my back pocket and quickly read it.
RUDRA: Sorry, boss. Miss Rosalie found out. I’m at the hospital. Hence, the delay in informing you.
As soon as I finish reading the message, the tension in the room drops an octave. Rosalie senses it and turns serious. My voice is cool and collected but she doesn’t miss the sharp edge to it. “He was only doing his job, Rose.”
“A job I wasn’t aware of and certainly didn’t hire him for.”
“You better not have caused him serious damage.”
“If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.” Unafraid, she steps closer and accuses, “You’re the one who always forces me to take extreme actions. One day might come when you’ll go too far and I’ll do something we won’t be able to come back from. Stop controlling my life, Nova. I mean it.”
My words stop her when she tries to leave, her hand on the knob.
“Then you better start acting like the D’Cruz family’s future daughter-in-law and stop slutting around. I don’t even want to catch a whiff of you having an affair.”
She flinches before facing me and sealing her expression to one of stark iciness.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to slut around discreetly.”
Chapter Fourteen
Either I’m dead.
Or I’ve become a hollow man.
A long time ago, I would’ve preferred it. But not today.
Because I definitely don’t exist to Rosalie from the way she’s ignoring me since the fiasco last night. I shouldn’t give a flying fuck. Yet for the last half hour after taking the quickest shower in history, I’ve been glaring at the pair in the kitchen acting all cozy.
The moment I returned from my morning run, I found my little hellion creating chaos first thing in the morning. My closest friend and roommate, Malcolm, all too willing to be her sidekick.
Apparently, she even slept in his bedroom last night.
While he took the couch.
And a gentleman, he is not.
We are supposed to leave in an hour for our graduation ceremony and I should go about getting ready. My feet have other ideas because I can’t get them to move. I silently seethe, watching from my perch on the couch as Malcolm cooks her breakfast. While the TV runs in the background.
Twice now, he’s done it.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s trying to impress or seduce her.
My bet is on him pissing me off for no other reason but because it amuses him.
I catch the soft and breathy sound of her giggling at something he says, which has me grinding my teeth. Rosa doesn’t giggle nor does she play silly little girly games. Period. All she has in her repertoire are glares, looks of indifference, and little smirks that say something murderous is churning in her pretty little head.
Not once did I see her crack a smile in high school.