Page 337 of Hateful Games
I’m overwrought with memories, both bad and good.
Nova at the forefront of them all.
I tell Bianca and Iris, who came to take me home, to drive to Nova’s house since all my stuff is there. My dogs are waiting there for me with Raghu, who came to visit me with his sweet wife the same day as my mom. My fur babies have been staying at his place through this whole ordeal.
“Why don’t you stay with Dash and me, Ro?” asks Bianca for the millionth time, while driving down the street.
“You shouldn’t be alone,” adds Iris softly.
“I’ll be fine,” I honestly answer. “My old apartment was in my father’s name and the police have seized all his properties, not that I would want to stay there.”
They give me a look of disbelief.
“What are you going to do about Nova?” Bianca quips. “You know, he hasn’t left your side. Even now, he’s driving behind us.”
I whip around to stare from the rear glass window and catch sight of his Maybach.
“I told him I’m not getting back together with him.” I sigh loudly. “Respecting my wishes, my ass.”
Silence ensues in the tight space as my best friends stare at me, bemused yet emotional.
Iris shrugs with a smile. “It’s good to see you being your old self, Ro. You left us so scared.”
“Don’t ever do that again. You hear me?” demands Bianca.
“I won’t lie and say I’m completely fine, but I also won’t stay sad and cry over it.”
“We won’t let you. One day, it’ll be nothing but a bad nightmare.”
Iris grabs my uninjured hand. “You’re one of the strongest women I know, Ro. We’ll be by your side every step of the way. And I don’t care what you say, the three of us are spending the night together.”
“Okay,” I acquiesce, secretly relieved. The thought of being alone at night makes me shudder. “I would like that.”
Bianca takes the final turn, driving down the gravel driveway and cutting off the ignition before the front doors. The three of us get out and greet Raghu, who stands up ahead. My babies come racing toward me as soon as he lets go of their leash.
Bunny doesn’t miss the brace on my arm and stops at the last moment. While Maggie and Fire scratch and jump at my legs with their tiny paws. I bend over and pat their heads, letting them lick my uninjured arm and face.
“I missed you all so much,” I cry out in happiness and laugh after so long. They don’t leave my side, just as ecstatic to see me that Raghu has to get them under control. All of us walk to the wraparound porch and step into the house.
“Did you get it ready, Uncle Raghu?”
“Of course, kid.” He points to the couch. “The bags are all packed.”
Right then, another set of footsteps—that makes my heart pitter-patter—approaches us. Nova’s determined voice floating to me. “You’re not moving out.”
“Back off, Nova,” Iris replies angrily.
My best friends haven’t forgiven him. Before it can escalate into an argument between them, I turn to face Nova, locking my expression his proximity evokes. I stifle the urge to stay in my spot and hold on to my resolve. He’s dressed casually with his hair in a messy disarray.
Those ever-so-stormy eyes soften when they connect with mine.
“I am not,” I agree with him and before hopefulness can sink in, I quash it immediately. “You are. As you can see, I already packed your suitcases. Should be enough for a few weeks before you can take the rest of your stuff.”
He steps forward, arching one eyebrow. His sly amusement apparent. “You’re kicking me out of my own house, wife?”
“After the divorce, it’ll be mine. I’m simply saving you time.”