Page 243 of Hateful Games
His nonchalance and arrogance knowing no bounds. I move in the opposite direction, intending to search for a place to hide in or find the room where I saw the light creeping in. Barefoot, stomach in knots, I walk straight ahead while looking left and right. Looking for signs of him appearing out of thin air.
A year ago, a scary man like him would’ve excited me.
Every partner of mine over the past was brutish and domineering in their own right. It’s what made me keep coming back for more. I loved being treated like I wasn’t breakable and it was exhilarating.
I relived the night over and over until the next time.
The room I saw earlier enters my line of sight. Relieved and finding the coast clear, I make a beeline and twist the knob. More colorful strobe lights filter in. A smile spreading on my lips.
“Not so fast,” a taunting voice murmurs in my ear.
My captor’s hand seals over mine and applying force, he shuts the door in my face. With it, snatching away my hope. Whipping me around until he fills my vision with his white mask, I’m slammed against the nearest wall.
My breath whooshing out of my lungs.
“Yay! You caught me!” I retort sarcastically. “Now let me go! Sex isn’t on the cards for you tonight.”
My sarcasm is met with silence.
Taking my wrists, he stretches them over my head and presses himself against my trembling body. Real fear that I might’ve signed up for more than I bargained slowly creeps in. My limbs feel frozen, like my brain can’t quite take commands.
His tall frame reminding me of Nova.
Without my heels, I reach the top of his shoulders.
Am I really wishing for my husband to replace the man before me? I must be losing my mind. I’m yanked from my mental dilemma when the stranger’s fingers ghost over my jaw, down the middle of my throat as I swallow nervously.
Just before they reach the top of my cleavage, I aim a kick between his legs.
I’m too slow. He anticipates the move and dodges, but his grip slips—or maybe he did on purpose. Whatever the reason, I shove against his steel chest and run away.
His boots thud loudly.
I look back and this time he is pursuing me.
It’s like being chased by a ghost.
I quicken my pace, my hair flying in my face and only my harsh breathing echoing around. My gait falters when I stare behind and he’s vanished again. The evil game he’s playing is getting to me.
“Fuck!” I curse, slamming into a brick wall.
The force of it toppling me over and my fingers catch on air as I seek purchase. Before I can fall on my ass, familiar hands grab my wrists and pull me flush against a steadily breathing chest.
“You!” I gasp, realizing it wasn’t a wall I smacked into. I struggle when my tormentor effortlessly lifts me up. Forcing me to wrap my legs around his lean waist, lest I fall. “Why are you doing this? I told you I don’t want you.”
It’s like he knows every nook and cranny.
Expertly catching me off guard.
Wrestling my hands, they’re held hostage.
Next, he punishingly twists my nipple through the thin material of my top. It hurts like hell. He gives the same treatment to the neglected nub.
“Please!” A single tear falls down my cheek. “Stop!”
His hard length presses right against my pussy as I squirm fruitlessly. I’m fucking confused when my body doesn’t immediately repulse at another man’s cock against me, someone who’s not my Nova. Am I that sick and disturbed in the head to be attracted to a strange man?
That I can’t sense right from wrong.