Page 231 of Hateful Games
According to the conversation I heard between him and the captain, our arrival destination today is Riviera Romagnola. I’ve never visited it but know it’s wildly popular for its unforgettable nightlife.
Dancing the night away in a club does sound nice.
Sitting up in bed, I pick up my phone from the nightstand to check in with the girls. However, my attention is captured by another notification.
The one which sends adrenaline pumping in my veins.
And a low throb in my pussy.
A guilty pleasure of mine that I promise to quit after each time. With the stress of the wedding, and then moving in with Nova, it got completely erased from my mind.
It glares in my face, tempting me with its danger and allure.
After the night of Nova’s secret graduation party, my curiosity had gotten the best of me and I fell down the rabbit hole of primal play. If there were similar parties with higher stakes happening around, I had fought its lure but after a few weeks, I gave in. In the privacy of my bedroom, I had begun researching the kink community and the lifestyle.
It was different than reading it in books.
This felt more real. The risk, the stakes… the magnetism. Like a siren’s song, calling me to dip my toes. The rush I had felt in being chased in the dark caverns gave me the confidence I had felt missing.
The fear and anxiety were replaced by thrill.
I wanted more.
As if fate was on my side, I stumbled upon The Provocative Playground. It wasn’t exactly a club but an elite group hosting a fetish-themed event, bringing one’s fantasies to life, around the world. When I read primal play, I signed up without a single thought. After doing my due diligence, of course.
Once I knew it was safe, I accepted their invitation. Before every party, or play, as they liked to call it, they would send all the instructions and the rules. A form asking for my hard and soft limits, there was even a box allowing one to choose sex or no sex.
Everything—including the scene and the partner—was carefully outlined to provide safety and the utmost satisfaction to their clientele.
I was nineteen the first time I attended. A nervous ball of energy, ridden with doubts but oddly excited. I was taking control of the awful tragedy that had left invisible scars for years.
Maybe it was a twisted way of coping.
But it was healing me in a way nothing ever had.
Some might claim it wasn’t normal to crave sex from being chased, manhandled, and fucked roughly but the freedom in submitting like that was nothing short of powerful and heady. I craved it. I wanted it.
The hunt.
The chase.
The sweet ecstasy.
The men I slept with over the years were a blur of scary masks as I let them ravage my body. Except now, the same thrill lurks but the faceless mask is replaced by Nova’s face.
My husband, who is oblivious to my darker proclivities.
Reading the notification as it conveys the next playground night is in Milan, I’m held in a precarious position because a part of me wants to go, unprepared to say goodbye to that part of my life. Another urges me to confess to him. He’s as deviant and dirty as me in bed.
He doesn’t treat me delicately.
He pushes my limits.
However, after last night, I’m not sure how he’d feel. One man he could make peace with, but a long string of them is bound to send him into a bloody spree of rage.
With Nova stalking my every move, will I even be able to sneak away?
Do I even want to risk his wrath?