Page 145 of Hateful Games
“Then stop kissing me and blaming me for making you distracted.”
“Or you can come work for me again so I can kiss you whenever I want.”
“Not happening.”
“I didn’t actually fire you.”
“I quit.”
“I’ll buy you a book for every kiss.”
That makes me pause and his gaze lights up in victory. I quickly shut his hopes down by answering, “No, thank you. I can buy them myself.”
“Hmm.” Wheels turn in his head and shrugging, he says, “I should work from home then.”
Stepping out of his embrace, I stare at him in disbelief. “You’re crazy. And what makes you think I’ll let you kiss me any time you want?”
“Because you already do.”
“Because you give me no choice.”
“Lies, sweetheart,” he tsks. “All lies.”
Rounding the kitchen island, he goes to the fridge and I’m left glaring at his broad back. Opening it, he brings out two water bottles and faces me.
“What were you searching for anyways?” he curiously asks, popping one open. His lips lift in a naughty smirk. “My virtual black book?”
“Do you have one?”
He takes his sweet-ass time, leaving me in anticipation as he takes a sip. “Are you jealous?”
“There needs to be feelings involved for me to be jealous over you with another woman,” I haughtily reply. He looks at me like I’m full of shit. So, to piss him off, I say, “Don’t you want to know if I have one?”
“It’s a moot point.”
“Quite presumptuous of you.”
My words are flat-out ignored and he continues, “You won’t need it because I plan to fuck you often.”
The doorbell rings, saving him from my rebuttal. His arrogance knows no bounds as he strides down the hall to get our food. My dogs, who were watching us argue, circle around me as I set our plates by the time he returns.
I already fed them while Nova was showering. Yet, they jump up and down at the hope of more food.
Fire and Maggie run toward Nova and dance around him like sharks, trying to sniff the bags dangling from his hand. While Bunny keeps his distance. Out of the three, he’s yet to gel with my husband.
“I can already see you both had dinner,” Nova admonishes them, glancing at their empty bowls in the corner. Meeting my gaze, he demands, “Didn’t you say they were trained?”
“Trained to be friendly, not to join the military.”
“Are they going to be like this until we finish dinner?”
“They’ll settle down.”
His expression says he doesn’t believe me but he lets it go. Maggie will eventually become distracted by something else. Fire, on the other hand, will want a taste before he decides if he wants more or not. I keep that bit to myself. He’s taken a shine to Nova and their antics are entertaining to watch.
I take a seat at the dining table and expect Nova to sit across from me. Instead, he settles right beside me so our thighs brush. He pushes my hands away when I try to help and methodically unboxes our food and serves me.
I’m rendered speechless at how domesticated we must look.