Page 117 of Hateful Games
Instead, I smile.
He stills, brow furrowing.
Trailing my fingers up his abs over his shirt, I wrap my hand around his black tie and tug. He indulges by leaning down and I press a chaste kiss on his mouth. Our eyes stay locked as I whisper, “Since we’re sharing our intentions for our marriage, I might as well let you know mine, hubby. I am not ever sleeping with you. Not in this or any other lifetime.”
Satisfied, I let go and pull away.
“It’s a big commitment,” he taunts, rubbing at his jaw thoughtfully. “One you’re going to break because it doesn’t stand a chance to last in this lifetime, let alone in another.”
The host clinks his glass, drawing everyone’s attention. “It’s time for our beautiful couple’s first dance.”
Nova gracefully rises and extends his palm toward me. “Shall we, wife?”
An unfamiliar sensation courses through my veins.
One I’ve never felt in my entire. Not even as a kid when I was kidnapped. Or when I thought my life was falling apart. I’ve always been calm and centered, never letting my emotions get the best of me.
My dadu, whose passing left a gaping hole in my life, always said that being calm when life is smooth sailing is easy but what truly cultivates a strong man is when the tides are rough and shaky yet he stands calmly like an unbending mountain. Because it’s when the world rests on his shoulders and he has to lead.
I took it to heart.
Except tonight, my heart and my head are a cloud of dust.
Because an urgency like no other has taken its space. An urgency to be alone with Rosalie and have her undivided attention all to myself. Every verbal spar with my wife feeds into the unhealthy addiction I have formed with her.
Because our relationship is temporary, even if I have the desire to keep her forever.
Will she even want me after I’ve destroyed her family?
Soon after the dance and an hour of mingling with the guests, it was almost midnight. And the time for Rosalie’s bidaai, which was an emotional affair. Although, not a single tear slipped from my wife’s eyes while her mother and sister bawled theirs out.
Almost like she didn’t really consider it a goodbye.
Or that a new family awaits her.
It is a mystery to solve for later. Not while I am crawling out of my skin to be beside her. I’ve took her commitment to never fuck me as a challenge. One that thrills me to no end. I’ve felt how she reacts to my proximity, the stolen touches and my carnal promises. We’re inevitable.
If only I didn’t have a big hurdle standing in my way.
In the shape of my infuriating cousin, Miya.
“Do you really think you can stop me from getting to my wife, Miya?”
“You’re pint-sized, little cousin. One shove and your ass will land back to London.”
“Every second you waste insulting me is another second away from your wife, whom you’re so eager to reach.” Shrugging her shoulder, she taunts, “Honestly, I’m not even in this for the bribe since you’ve no shortage of money. But the pure joy of ruffling your feathers and bringing you down a peg or two.”
I swear every tradition is custom-made to delay me from spending time with Rosalie. First, it was her bridesmaids and now Miya.
When will it end?