Page 99 of Prince of Darkness
“How many women have you given a foot massage to?” I wonder where all this new attentiveness is coming from. Was it always there, lying dormant?
He thinks about it then looks at me with a grin. “One.”
“Really. But I caution you not to ask me any more questions about women. I wasn’t a virgin when you met me.”
I nod. That was clear. The man knew exactly what to do to make a woman sigh or scream in bed. “Probably, you shouldn’t ask me about my past either.”
He stops massaging. “Why?”
I arch a brow. “You don’t think I was a virgin, do you?”
“No. I just don’t like thinking about it.” He glances at me. “Is there anything I’m first at?”
I laugh because it’s so odd to see Liam with insecurity. “Well, you’re the first to knock me up.”
He leans over and kisses me. “Good. I’ll be the last, too.”
Anya brings our tea and cookies, and it’s so lovely to enjoy the evening with Liam. We chat. We kiss. We just be.
“By the way,” he says, putting his empty teacup down. “You forgot a present.”
“I did?” There were a ton of them, so I’m not surprised. “Who is it from?”
He holds out a little box. “Me.”
I lean into him to kiss him because … well, because I want to. “Showers are presents for the baby.”
“I got her something too.”
I take off the paper to find a velvet box. My heartbeat picks up, though I don’t know why. I already told him I’d marry him.
I open the box and inside find a magnificent princess cut emerald and diamond ring. It’s set in platinum with filigree decorating the band. “Liam… it’s gorgeous.”
“It was my mother’s.” He takes the ring. “I’m not going to ask you to marry me because you already said yes and I don’t want to give you the opportunity to take it back.”
“As if I would.”
“But, you need a ring… this ring. I wasn’t sure at first. I’ve been going back and forth on buying you a new one, but?—”
“Liam, this is perfect.” I lean closer to him. “And yes, I’ll marry you.”
“I didn’t ask.”
I shrug. “You should always ask when you give a ring.” I slip it on and study it.
“If it’s not right?—”
I put my hand over his mouth. “It’s perfect.” Then I kiss him to keep him from talking about it anymore.
When we pull apart, he says, “I have something for Sophia.” He pulls out a package and hands it to me.
“You’re full of surprises.”
“Yeah, well when we’re done, we can go to our bedroom and I’ll show you another surprise.”
My body lights up. “I can’t wait.” I open the package and inside is a bright red cloth with intricate colorful designs.