Page 90 of Prince of Darkness
“Is that why you’re here? Because you think I’m with someone else? What are you going to do, Liam? Kill him? Just go.” She starts to shut the door again.
For a moment, I accept that I can’t salvage this situation. I can’t blame her. I’ve been a dick to her. But when the door shuts, my life will be over. Oh, sure, I’ll be alive, but only biologically.
My hand shoots out, stopping the door. I push it open and force my way in. It’s not behavior that will win me points, but dammit, she’s going to hear me out. And if I have to park myself in her house and plead my points, I’ll do it for as long as it takes.
“You’ll listen to me, Kate.”
Her eyes are fire staring at me. “I’m not one of your men. You can’t order me around.”
“If you want to be my wife, you’ll have to get used to a few orders now and then.”
“Your wife?” Ha. She actually lets out a laugh. “I wouldn’t want to be your wife in a million years. And if I were your wife, I wouldn’t be a subservient doormat.”
“Good!” I lean forward, bringing us nearly nose to nose. Tension is sparking between us. Too bad it’s from hate on her side. “I don’t want a doormat. But I will be respected.”
“Respect is earned, Liam.”
I stare into her face. This strong, wonderful, sweet woman. I straighten. “Then I’ll earn it.”
There’s a moment when I think I have her. When I believe she’s going to give me a chance.
Then she shakes her head. “No.”
Ican’t believe this. What is he doing? Why is he tormenting me like this? Does he really think he can just show up and expect me to be with him… his wife, no less?
“I’m not leaving until we have this out.” He strides into my living room and sits on the couch.
“Fine, then I’ll leave.”
He shrugs. “I’ll be here when you get back.”
I gape at this infuriating man. “Why are you doing this? Just because you’re jealous?”
He sucks in a long breath. “I’m miserable, Kate. I want to do right by you, give you the freedom you want, but fucking hell, I’m dying inside.”
My brows rise, surprised by his confession.
“If I’m wrong in thinking that you care for me, thinking that you wanted to be with me, then tell me and I will go. You won’t see me ever again. I promise.”
All I have to do to make him leave is tell him I never cared for him or wanted a life with him. That should be easy even if it is a lie. But words don’t come. I can’t form them.
“It’s not about how I feel or what I once wanted. It’s about how I can’t trust you.”
He seems to accept that. “Because of my work?”
“No. Because you leave me. Usually, when I’m at my most vulnerable.”
Pain mixed with shame shows on his face. He rises and moves toward me but smartly, doesn’t try to touch me.
“I’m sorry, Kate.” He watches me like he’s unable to find more or better words.
“Why are you here?” I cross my arms like that’s going to protect me. I can feel my heart softening, and I hate that I’m not stronger.