Page 79 of Prince of Darkness
"Yes, Boss."
"Good. When his men come, we take them out. No mercy. You got it?" Babichev sounds more like Bratva poser than a true leader. He won’t last long. What a fucking embarrassment that this guy has been able to fuck with me.
"Got it. What if his Mafia friends come?”
"Then we take them out too. Wouldn’t that be something? Taking over the Bratva and the Mafia." Babichev laughs like a loon.
The door opens and they step in, switching on the light.
"Motherfucker, where is he?—"
I come from behind the door, wrapping my arm around Babichev’s neck as I pull his gun out and hold it to his head.
He flails around but has difficulty because I’m bigger and stronger and am choking the life out of him.
This man pulls his gun and holds it toward us. I move in close next to Babichev, making it so that if this man shoots, he’s more likely to kill Babichev than me.
I look at his man and notice that he's young. I'd be shocked if he's twenty. "Put the gun down, son."
The young man's hand shakes, and I'm not sure if it's because he's never been in this situation before or maybe because he's holding out on me, Liam Rostova, the head of Bratva.
"I don't want to kill you. In fact, if you put your gun down, perhaps we can talk about your joining the real Bratva. You know who I am, don't you?"
"Kill him," Babichev hisses.
I tighten my hold on him. "I'm going to kill this man, and if I have to, I will kill you too,” I say to the young man.
“I’ll get help.” The young man runs from the room.
I roll my eyes. "Where did you find this kid?”
“You won’t get away, Rostova.”
“I don’t care whether I do or not, as long as you’re dead.” I take a moment to assess my situation. It won’t be long before his men swarm the area. Do I kill Babichev and then get killed by his men? Or do I use Babichev as my way to get out?
“You’re a dead man.” His fingers are digging into my arm. Annoyed by that, I move the gun to his lower back and pull the trigger.
He screams.
I put the gun back to his temple. “That’s for burning my cabin down.” And for making it so Kate shot me.
“You’ll die?—”
“Don’t you get it, Dimitri? We’re both dead. I’m not afraid to die. Are you?”
“If you want to be dead, I’m happy to help you.”
I laugh. “The only thing I want is for you to go straight to hell.”
The sound of feet running up the hall tells me my time is short. I pull Babichev out the door and up the hall away from his men. I’d rather be on the run than cornered and trapped.
“Will you tell your men to shoot me while I have you?” I’m curious how badly he wants me dead. Bad enough to die for?
“They’ll kill you and I’ll take your place.”
“Not sure how that will happen since they’ll have to go through you to kill me.”
“Fucking let me go.” He squirms, but I hold him tighter.