Page 69 of Prince of Darkness
Later, Kate falls asleep in my arms again. My heart cracks open that this can’t be my life. I finally understand Niko's behavior when he fell for Elena. And Donovan's when he fell for Lucy. Why did they get to be so lucky that the women they loved wanted to be with them? To live in the same world as them, even with all the risks and danger?
For a moment, I imagine Kate making the same choice, choosing me. But I push it away. My world is no place for a woman like her. The truth is, even if she were to tell me she wanted to be with me, there's no way I could allow it. She and the baby deserve so much more, so much better, so much safer.
As I fall asleep, I wonder if losing Kate is punishment for my choices. Everything I’d done had been to protect her, but in doing so, I made it so I couldn’t have her.
Two days. Two perfect days is all I get with Liam. Not the dark Liam, but the one I first met a year ago. The kind and generous Liam. The sweet and caring Liam. The sexy as hell Liam. We’ve laughed and played games… in bed and out. We’ve talked and sometimes just hung out quietly. When I slept, he worked. When I was awake, he was focused on me, and now, two days later, I don’t want it to end.
Of course, I knew this day would come. I just hoped this time would have lasted longer. Then again, the more time we’re together, the less I want to be without him. So many moments in the last two days, I’ve wondered if I could be like Elena and Lucy and live a life centered around crime. The truth is that’s how I grew up. My father was a cop. But he was against crime, or was.
But the decision has been made. In fact, I’m certain that if I told Liam I wanted to stay with him, he’d refuse me. I also know that if I asked him to leave the Bratva to be with me, he’d refuse that too. It isn’t fair that I’ve found a man I love, I’m having his child, but we can’t be together. As my father often told me, life isn’t fair.
So today, my bag is packed, and Liam and Robbie are whisking me to a small airport where we board a private jet. I’d bask in the luxury if I weren’t so sad. Liam is busy talking to Robbie as the flight takes off, but every now and then, he glances over at me, giving me a wan smile.
Less than forty-five minutes later, we land on Long Island. Liam is taking me to Niko and Elena’s Hampton compound. I’m surprised by this as I couldn’t imagine Niko would want me anywhere near Elena and the babies. Perhaps Niko owes Liam a favor.
I’m ushered into a dark SUV, and we drive to the compound. As we go through the gates armed to the teeth, I reflect on the last time I was here. I’d been saved from Elena’s father, who kidnapped me the first time to ransom me for Elena. When Liam saved me, he first brought me to a safehouse and made arrangements for me to go into Witness Protection. Then he drove me here, where I could see Elena and say goodbye. It’s when I met her sister Lucy as well.
Liam’s hand covers mine. “You’ll be safe here, I promise.”
“What are you going to do?”
He gives me his sad smile. “I’m going to get your life back.”
At what cost?
We pull up to the house, and a servant opens the door to let me and Liam out. His hand settles low on my back as we enter the front door.
“Liam, Kate, welcome.” Niko greets us in the foyer, with Lucy and another servant in the background.
“I should slap you.” Lucy’s eyes glare at Liam, and his hand falls from my back. Then she looks at me. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Elena is in the sunroom with the babies. She’s looking forward to seeing you,” Niko says. His voice is kind, but I also note an order underneath it. I’m supposed to leave them to their work.
I look up at Liam, who gives me a nod.
“Rosa will show you the way,” Lucy tells me.
Rosa smiles. “This way, Ms. Emer—ah, Walsh.”
I don’t want to leave Liam. I don’t want him to leave me. “Will you find me before you leave?”
Storms brew in his eyes. He wants to say no.
I put my hand on his arm. “Don’t be cruel, Liam.”
He sighs. “Life is cruel, Kate.” But he gives me a nod that I interpret to mean he’ll find me before he leaves.
I follow Rosa through the large mansion to a window-filled room where Elena is nursing one of the babies.
“Oh, Kate, you’re here.” Elena unlatches the child from her breast. “He’s sleeping.” She sets him in a bassinet next to his sister who is also sleeping. “Rosa, can you bring us some coffee? Are you hungry, Kate?”
I get the feeling that Elena is babbling. Like she wants to make me feel okay.