Page 66 of Prince of Darkness
Shit. Fuck. Hell. Once again, I'm letting the darkness of my life pull me away from this amazing woman.
I reach out and take her hand. "Wondering how sturdy this table is."
There’s a flash of heat in her eyes telling me she likes the idea of my fucking her here.
“You’ll need sustenance, though,” I say. “Eat up, Buttercup.”
Her smile is both sweet and sexy as she takes a bite of her omelet. “It is delicious.”
“Not as delicious as you. I plan to have you for dessert.”
Her cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink. “You’re making it difficult to concentrate.”
She shakes her head. “No you’re not.”
I shrug. “Maybe a little.”
We eat in silence, me watching her like a lovesick puppy.
After a few bites, she looks down into her eggs, her expression dropping slightly. “What will happen to my store?”
Fuck. I don’t want to go into all that. I want to pretend we’re two normal people enjoying each other.
“I don’t have a manager or employee to run it while I’m gone,” she finishes.
“We’ll get you back home and to your business.”
She nods, but I can see she isn’t so sure I’ll be successful. I’m not so sure myself.
“What made you buy the store?” I ask, hoping it will pull her from her melancholy.
“You know I like to read.”
“I do. I thought you liked the editing work.”
“I did, but I didn’t have time or interest in pleasure reading. When I saw the little shop for sale, I thought it would be perfect.” She smiles at me. “Thank you, by the way.”
“For what?”
“For the money.”
“It’s the least I could do after what you’ve been through. Fucking hell, Kate?—”
She puts her hand over mine. “It’s not your fault.”
I squeeze her hand. “I would do anything to go back and make it so you didn’t have to endure any of this.”
Her eyes narrow with heat ,and I wonder what I’ve said wrong. “Don’t say that.” Her hand goes over her belly. “I don’t like what happened, what is happening, but I’m here with you and I have this life…”
I wait, but she doesn’t finish.
“I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“I don’t wish that you’d never fucked me or implanted the baby.” She tosses my words back to me.
I feel like shit. My words are so vulgar. “I’m sorry. I just… I know you don’t want all this. You didn’t want to leave the home you created to be stuck with me again.”