Page 50 of Prince of Darkness
Itake several steps back from Liam, not so much because I'm afraid of him, although I probably should be. He looks absolutely lethal. But he's had plenty of opportunities to kill me in the past and he hasn't, so I'm not afraid of him. No, the risk is that he'll say something nice. That the man I see before me will morph into the Liam I once knew. If that happens, I’ll end up running into his arms. I loathe that I am so weak to resist him.
I suppose it’s fortunate for me that his expression is still menacing, and so I'm able to hold onto my anger and hurt and resentment. "What are you doing here?"
"Go pack a bag, Kate."
I shake my head. "No."
His eyes narrow to slits, and I swear I can hear him growl. "This isn't up for debate. We've got to leave."
"No, I don't. I have a new life?—"
"Which will be taken from you if you don't go pack a fucking bag and come with me."
I stand my ground, but it’s not easy. I’m not used to having to confront someone I know is lethal. "You don't need to protect me anymore, Liam. I have Lucy and Donovan."
His head shakes slowly. "Not anymore. Now you've got me."
Is that true? Wouldn't Lucy have called me if there'd been a change of plans? I wonder if maybe Aria and Luca had seen something that prompted all of this.
I retreat into the living room and pick up my phone. I search for texts from Lucy, but not seeing any, I dial her number.
"What are you doing?" Liam's voice sends a chill of fear down my spine.
"I'm calling Lucy."
He lets out an exasperated breath. "We don't have time for this bullshit. If you want to call her, fine. Do it in the car after you’ve packed your bag and we’re on our way.”
Lucy picks up the call on her end.
"Liam's here."
There is a pause on her end.
"Did you send him? Have you handed me off like a baton or something?" Why is it the people I feel the closest to spend so much time dictating my life without including me in any of the decisions?
Lucy lets out a sigh. "Not exactly. He knows about that incident with your alarm and questions about your neighbors."
Oh, God. Have I put them in danger? "My neighbors are just normal people."
"The point is, he knows, and it appears that he's decided to take charge again."
I glance at him. "No. I'm finally settling into my life. I'm sick and tired?—"
"I totally understand what you're saying, Kate. I really do. I also know that Liam can be an asshole sometimes. But if he's there, it means something's up and you're not safe. I'll talk with Donovan and will reach out to Niko."
Everything inside me deflates. There's no doubt that if I don't do as Liam says, he'll simply pick me up and haul me out of here. I hang up the phone and glower at him.
His gaze is on my belly again. "You can call your baby daddy now."
My hands immediately cover my stomach. There's a part of me that feels like I should tell him the truth. For a fleeting moment, I wonder if it will change his demeanor… change his feelings toward me. I chastise myself for those thoughts. When am I going to stop being such an idiot over him?
"He's not in the picture."
"Then pack your bag." Our gazes hold, and I’m paralyzed on the spot.
"Is this ever going to end?" I have this terrible feeling that the rest of my life is going to involve my always being on the run.
For a second, I think I see regret and guilt in Liam's eyes, but it's gone so quickly. It's possible I imagined it. He stalks off down my hall.