Page 54 of The Sweetest Taboo
He pulled out an envelope from his pocket. "Please, don’t be angry. I talked to Ace, and he told me you sent the money…the money that I—"
"Threw on the bed where we'd just had sex and you called me a whore?" I crossed my arms. He didn't have a right to be here and bring all those painful memories back. I was over them. It was in the past. I had a child now. I had so much to look forward to.
"This is a check for the amount you sent. I can't allow you to—"
"I don't need the money, Rowan. I have a job now. I own this house. I'm doing well."
"Please, it's—"
He stuffed the envelope back in his pocket, this time crumpled. "He told me about the letter."
"Okay. Look, it's getting late, and Flora—"
"Please, Isha."
He wasn't the man who begged, so, the fact he did made me melt. Bugger it!
I gestured to the sofa, and we sat down as we had the previous night.
"Ace told me he lied. That he was jealous of me. I didn't know. I…didn't want to believe you over my family. But in my heart, I knew you were telling the truth about everything."
"We already hashed this out yesterday, Rowan." I wanted him gone before I fell apart and he could see how much he meant to me. How much him being here made my heart soar and…to its detriment, hope.
"I freaked out when you said you loved me," he continued, and my heart hammered in my chest. Why would he bring that up? Goddamn it!
"Look, I don't need excuses or explanations. It was years ago and—"
"Because I'd fallen in love with you as well," he continued like I hadn't just ranted about him shutting up.
I froze. I watched his blue eyes…they were calm, clear.
"Good for you," I finally said. Mr. Rowan Ledger, there's no way that you're going to screw me over this time. No way I'll let you.
"Isha, how I feel about you hasn't changed."
I let out a laugh. Not hysterical, but close. "Bloody hell, what do you want, Rowan? Did you come here thinking I was available pussy? You're a good looking man with pots of money; just walk down Fifth Avenue, and women will throw themselves at you. And you can fuck any or all of them."
"You see me by accident and decide, hey, now's a good time to tell the lassie that I love her. Are you out of your bleeding mind?" I didn't raise my voice. I didn't want to. I wouldn't let this man affect me ever again. I'd made that promise to myself, and I was going to keep it.
"I never got over you."
"Oh, poor baby," I muttered sarcastically. "I'm not bloody interested. Or…my God, is that why you brought me the money? You think I'd have sex with you for money?"
He paled when I said that. But it was an honest thought. One caused by him and not because I had a twisted mind. Between him and his brother, they'd taken away so much of my faith in people that I'd never gotten it back.
"I'm sorry you think that. I'm sorry that my past behavior gives you reason to think that."
"Look, you've apologized enough. I forgive you. I forgive your brother. I forgive everyone. Can you please leave me alone?" I rose and pulled my phone out of my shorts when it beeped.
It was Mick: Heads up, Arturo is coming to your place in two minutes.
It was less than that because there was a loud banging knock on the door as soon as I finished reading Mick's warning.
I opened the door and nodded at Arturo. He walked in and gave Rowan the once over.