Page 83 of Wanting You
Watching her leave, Tanner’s heart felt ready to burst. He had his girl back.
Life was good.
Chapter Fourteen
Chloe: Tanner and I made up!
Ash: YAY!! Finally!!
Chloe: And I skied!
Ash: Wait…what? How? When?
Ash: I’m looking out the window and there’s no snow
Chloe: Indoor ski school dummy
Chloe: And it was awesome!
Ash: Good for you!
Ash: Is that how you wooed him? With your skiing skills? Lol!
Chloe: Nope. I wooed him with my words and then dazzled him with my skiing skills.
Chloe: I was very impressive and persuasive
Chloe: You should be proud
Ash: I am! And you’re back together!
An almost obscene amount of heart emojis followed.
Ash: Where are you now? Still up at the lodge?
Chloe: I’m home now and waiting for Tanner to get here.
Chloe: I picked up some Chinese food so we’re having a late dinner.
Ash: I’m really happy for you, Chlo. I know that had to be hard for you to go and see him.
Chloe: It was, but I had some great motivation to do it. The timing was perfect.
Ash: Ooh…I’m intrigued. What happened?
Chloe: How about we talk tomorrow? I’ve got a few more things to do before Tanner gets here.
Ash: Wear the sexy underwear! Promise you’ll wear the sexy underwear! Trust me, you can never go wrong with sexy underwear!
Chloe: It’s incredibly weird that you keep saying that, so stop it.
Ash: I’m simply speaking the truth.
Chloe: Yeah, well…the sexy underwear was the first thing I put on when I got home, so…
Ash: LOL!
Ash: Good girl!