Page 8 of Wanting You
“Can you please just order something?” Chloe prompted. “And don’t complain about what they don’t have.”
“Ugh…fine! Can I get a slice of the pound cake and a caramel Frappuccino?”
“You got it,” Jade said. “Why don’t you guys go and sit down and I’ll bring everything over?”
“Thanks!” Chloe said as they made their way to their favorite table in the romance section of the books part of the store. “I just finished a fantastic book last night. A holiday romance. Well…more like a family reunion holiday story with some romance thrown in.”
“You read a holiday romance in August?”
“There’s never a wrong time to read a holiday romance, Ash. Trust me. You should totally check it out. They’re a huge family and the father—who’s now a grandfather—plays matchmaker with everyone.” She sighed happily. “I’m telling you; it gave me all the feels. I can totally lend you my copy…”
“Sure! Bring it over with you when you come for dinner Friday night!”
Jade walked over with their food and placed the tray on the table. “Here you go!” Then she straightened. “So? Anything new and exciting going on?” She paused and glanced over her shoulder. “Anyone have any idea what’s got your sister in a mood?”
They both chuckled, but Ash answered first. “No clue. We’ve learned to just give her space and not ask too many questions.” Then she shrugged. “I guarantee she’ll join us in a few.”
The bell over the front door sounded again, and Jade excused herself to go help customers.
“Do you really think something’s wrong with Billie?” Chloe asked, breaking off a small piece of her muffin. “She doesn’t normally snap like that.”
“Are you serious? That’s the first sign that something’s wrong in her personal life. If you ask me, she needs to get a personal life. And a romantic life.” Stirring her drink, she added, “We may have to set up a dating profile for her and find her a man.”
But Chloe was already shaking her head. “No way. Absolutely not. We are not getting involved like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because dating is very personal! I know I wouldn’t want anyone doing something sneaky like that and then setting me up with some stranger I know nothing about.”
“I hate to break it to you, Chlo, but that’s what dating is usually like. You go out with someone you’ve never met before, that’s just the way it is.”
She hated when her sister used logic like that.
“Still, it should be Billie’s decision when she’s ready to go out with someone, not ours.”
With a dramatic groan, Ash relented. “Ugh, fine. I won’t set up a dating profile. Sheesh.”
“Thank you.”
“Okay, so what’s up with you? Are you setting up your classroom today?”
The smile was on her face instantly. “I am! And I’m so excited about it too! I’m going with a Pixar theme and using the characters from Inside Out! It’s going to be super cute and colorful!”
“I’m sure! And is the new kindergarten teacher going to do it too so both classes have a cohesive look or is she doing something different?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” she replied as her smile faded. “I’ve reached out to her several times in the last week, and she never responded. I’m going to talk to Principal Kincaid when I get to the school. I really thought Kimberly and I hit it off, but now she’s ghosting me. I hope I didn’t offend her in some way.”
“Stop,” Ash said firmly. “You’re not capable of offending anyone. You’re like the nicest person on the planet. Maybe this Kimberly person is just super busy moving here or getting ready to start her new job.” Reaching across the table, she squeezed Chloe’s hand. “I’m sure it’s all going to be great and the two of you will be friends.”
“I hope so. I was kind of upset at the thought of there being another kindergarten teacher. Everything’s growing around here, so I realize we need more teachers and more classrooms, but…I was just really hitting my groove with everything and now things are changing.”
“Change can be a good thing. You know you’re an awesome teacher. Hell, you were Teacher of the Year for the last two years! All you need to do is keep being yourself and you’ll be fine. Trust me. This year is going to be amazing for you.”
If only she had that kind of confidence.
Not that she expected to always be Teacher of the Year, but with six new teachers coming in—and not knowing any of them—Chloe had no idea how things were going to go. And she really wished Kimberly would have called her back so at least she could have gone into the school today with a bit more…clarity.