Page 78 of Wanting You
Love? Did she love Tanner?
“Oh my God…I do!” she whispered. “I really, really do!”
That was immediately followed by a wave of self-loathing because she had made a serious mess of everything where they were concerned. In the past, if an obstacle seemed too hard to overcome, Chloe’s go-to was to just give up.
And…sometimes hide.
“Not this time,” she murmured. This time, she was going to do exactly what Susan suggested. She was going to fight for her man.
Just…in her own way.
Feeling energized, she quickly put together an email that included all the pertinent information about the field trip, attached the permission slip, and sent it out to all the parents in her class. Then she emailed Susan to thank her and ask if she could print out copies of everything for her so she could send physical copies home as well. By that time, she needed to pick up her students. Her plan was to speak to Tanner after school.
She just hoped she’d be able to wait that long.
Of course, the rest of the day dragged on and by the time her last student was picked up, Chloe quickly gathered her things and ran next door to Tanner’s room and…
It was dark.
He was gone already.
Okay, all hope was not lost. She could call him. And as she walked out to her car, she pulled out her phone and did just that.
It went directly to voicemail.
“O-kay…” She didn’t leave a message because she decided to go to his house on her way home. The urge to stop at Books & Beans and grab some snacks was tempting, but she was a little too eager to talk to him.
But, because she seemingly had crappy luck, he wasn’t home when she got there. It was possible that he stopped somewhere on his way home, but she wasn’t desperate enough to sit in his driveway and wait.
Now what do I do?
Her mind was filled with questions about the field trip. Were all the students going to get one-on-one attention? Were the parents going to be able to take part or just watch? Would she have to get on skis or a snowboard?
And while that last one filled her with a bit of dread, it also filled her with a great idea to pass the time.
After driving the two blocks to her house, she ran inside and changed her clothes. Wearing a pair of leggings, a bulky hoodie, and a pair of UGG boots, she grabbed her coat, purse, and keys and was back out the door. It was possible that she should have called Summit Ridge to see if it was too late in the day for a lesson, but she’d rather talk to someone in person. And if they couldn’t help her today, then she’d reserve a spot for either tomorrow or Sunday.
Excited, she turned on the radio and sang her way all the way up the mountain. At the lodge, she parked and practically jogged inside. She had no idea where the indoor facility was, but figured anyone at the front desk could point her in the right direction.
“May I help you?” a young man with a bright smile called out as she walked toward him.
“Hey,” she said breathlessly when she approached the desk. “My name is Chloe Donovan and my class is coming up here next week for a field trip with the indoor ski school.” She paused for a moment. “And here’s the thing, I can’t ski. It actually terrifies me a little, and I thought if I could come up here and maybe get a lesson or two, I’d feel better about helping my kids next week. I don’t want to look like a baby in front of them.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile. “I think that is awesome, and you are in luck. We have an instructor who has availability right now!”
She frowned. “But…how do you know that off the top of your head? Don’t you have to look it up or something?”
Now he laughed softly. “Oh, he was just up here at the desk. He’s new to the Summit Ridge family and the school, and we were all encouraging him that it wouldn’t be long until he had a student! And here you are! It’s like you were sent here just for him!”
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll walk with you to the indoor summit. There are a lot of twists and turns when you come in from the main entrance here.”
“Thanks,” she said, relieved.
“I’m Ted, by the way.” Stepping out from behind the desk, he came up beside her. “And I think you’re a great teacher to be doing this for your students.”