Page 67 of Wanting You
“Tanner, if you could pack up and compete again for a season, where would you go?” Margaret, the journalist, asked.
Grinning, he replied, “Why would I pack up and go anywhere when Summit Ridge has so much to offer?”
Yeah, everyone got a kick out of that response, but he heard a very faint snort from Chloe.
“But if you had to pick one?” Margaret prompted.
“Without a doubt, the Aosta Valley in Italy,” he said. “Between Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, and the Monte Rosa, there’s something almost magical about the area. Those towering mountains offer high-altitude skiing, snow-sure slopes and a view that can’t be beat.” Pausing, he took a sip of his wine. “And the food is phenomenal!”
“That’s for sure,” someone agreed, and then the conversation moved on for a bit to some of the places in the world he’d skied and was the food as good as the snow. It was a silly conversation, but he was enjoying it.
He just wished Chloe was too.
“You went out at the top of your game,” Margaret interjected a few minutes later. “And now you’re a teacher. It’s a commendable profession to be sure, but don’t you miss the excitement of competing?”
“I retired when I did because I had accomplished everything that I wanted to. My end game was always going to be in education,” he explained.
“Why not open a school to train future athletes? Or even give lessons here at Summit Ridge?”
“I’d be open to giving lessons, but only as something on the side. I love what I’m doing now. Teaching kids is incredibly rewarding.” He paused and nodded. “And the fact that I was lucky enough to be offered a position in a school that was so close to a ski resort? What are the odds?”
“It seems like this was meant to be,” Margaret went on. “So, what have you been doing in your spare time while you wait for the snow to start falling?”
“Well…” This time he reached over and took Chloe’s hand in his and gave it a squeeze to get her attention. “Chloe is also a teacher. That’s how we met. We’ve been spending a lot of our spare time together working on lesson plans and school projects. She’s shown me around Sweetbriar Ridge and I’m actually loving small town life.”
“Chloe,” Margaret began, zeroing in on her. Tanner felt her tense a bit and hoped Margaret wasn’t going to say anything offensive. “How does it feel to be dating someone as famous and talented as Tanner Westyn? Were you a fan of his before he came to teach at your school?”
“Oh, um…I actually didn’t know anything about him,” Chloe admitted. “I don’t follow any sports, but Tanner’s been teaching me about skiing since we met. I’m looking forward to seeing him in action when the season starts.”
“Any chance you’ll let him teach you how to ski?”
Beside him, she laughed softly. “I’m not particularly athletic, but I’m more than happy to be a spectator and cheer him on.”
“And who couldn’t use their own personal cheerleader, right, Tanner?” Margaret asked with a laugh. “In the past, you’ve always been involved with women who either competed just like you or who at least could ski. Do you think not having this aspect of your lives in common will cause any conflicts?”
For a moment, he was too stunned to respond. Chloe had gone completely still, and Tanner had no idea if he should call out Margaret for being so tactless or comfort his girlfriend.
He went the diplomatic route instead.
“I don’t think couples have to have everything in common,” he said stiffly. “And I love all the things Chloe and I do have in common. This is the best relationship I’ve ever been in, and I feel lucky that she’s been so willing to put up with me talking incessantly about the glory days of my skiing career.”
Everyone was silent and he hoped he made his point.
“Anyone ready for dessert?” their server asked with perfect timing.
It appeared that the interview portion of the evening ended, and for the rest of the meal, the conversation was still focused on the sport, but things were a little more neutral and less focused on him and Chloe.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered for only her ears. “That was a little catty and I will reach out to my rep to let them know.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I don’t blame her. You’re…you know…you. This big, famous athlete, and I’m just…me.” She shrugged. “Trust me, I’m used to it.”
And he hated that more than anything—the fact that she put herself down.
Suddenly, he couldn’t wait for this night to be over, to take Chloe home and show her how amazing she was and how much he truly adored her.
Loved her.
Because…yeah. He did.