Page 63 of Wanting You
“What if I can’t repress the competitive guy?”
“Then you’re probably going to have Ashlynn threatening to punch you in the throat.”
He groaned.
After that, Levi called them in for dessert, but the conversation was still heavy on his mind.
Even on the short drive back to Chloe’s.
He parked in her driveway and followed her to the door. They had already agreed that he was staying over tonight—something he’d been looking forward to all day—and yet they both seemed a little quiet. He knew why he was; he just wasn’t sure what was on her mind.
“Everything okay?” he asked once they were inside.
“Hmm? Oh, I think so. Sometimes it takes a lot of energy to get through a day with my family. It’s a little like sensory overload, and I need some time to decompress.”
“I get that.” He glanced around and got the perfect idea. “How about you draw yourself a hot bath with some of those bath bombs you have stockpiled next to the tub? And I’ll pour us some wine, and when you’re done soaking and relaxing, I’ll give you a massage. What do you say?”
She blinked at him for a moment. “You want to give me a massage? Really?”
He nodded. “Absolutely.” Then he moved in close, wrapping his arms around her waist. “You already know how much I love running my hands all over your body.” He placed a kiss on her cheek. “So really, it will be good for both of us.” He placed another kiss along the shell of her ear. “And then when you’re like putty in my hands, I’m going to make love to you until you’re breathless and boneless and barely know your own name.” The kiss he placed on her lips was deep and possessive and full of promise.
When they broke apart, Chloe was breathless. “Or maybe I can skip the bath and…”
But Tanner was already shaking his head. “Nuh-uh. I think you need that time to really make the rest of it even more enjoyable.” Placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose, he gently turned her toward her bedroom. “Go and do your thing while I get everything else set up. I left my duffel bag out in my car, but as soon as I grab it, I’m going to work my magic around here.”
She giggled. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Only for you,” he whispered, giving her a soft nudge. “Go. We’ve got all night, but I’m eager to get started.”
And as she turned to walk away, his conversation with Reid started playing in his head again.
“Honestly, seeing the two of you together has been a really good thing. She looks happy and seems a little more confident in herself.”
He was genuinely happy that this relationship was making her happy.
“I’m crazy about Chloe. I didn’t see this coming.”
And he hadn’t. A relationship was the last thing on his mind when he accepted the position at Sweetbriar Elementary. Picking up and moving his life on such short notice had been his top priority. But now that they’d found each other, it made him realize that this was possibly the first time in his life that he felt like he had…everything. He’d accomplished what he wanted as an athlete, he had the job he’d been working toward—almost—and he had a woman who he could easily see himself falling in love with and having a future with.
He just had to hope that he didn’t do anything stupid and ruin it.
Chapter Eleven
The unit on fall was finished.
Winter units were being planned separately.
And her parents were living together.
“Ugh…how is this my life?” Chloe murmured for at least the tenth time that day.
Her father had been back for almost two weeks, and her mother came home from rehab a week ago.
They’d been shacking up together ever since, and it was weird and awkward every time she went over to visit.
The last of her students had just left and she was sitting at her desk contemplating whether she should just fake a teaching emergency and avoid going over there. Slowly, she lowered her head to her desk and let out a long sigh.
“Well that doesn’t sound good.”