Page 30 of Wanting You
Levi hugged her again. “I know, but I worry. Humor me, okay?”
She let out another huff, but nodded. “Fine.” Then she glared up at Tanner as if he’d betrayed her, but he could take it. When she stood, she only looked at her brother. “Please send some updates, even if it’s to say nothing’s changed. And if anything does change…”
“I’ll call. I promise.” Kissing her on the forehead, Levi gently turned her toward Tanner while mouthing, “Thank you.”
All he did was nod at the acknowledgment.
They rode down in the elevator in complete silence that carried them all the way to the car. It wasn’t until he was ready to start driving that he decided he’d had enough.
“Look, for what it’s worth, I get it. You’re upset because Levi essentially forced you to leave, but…that’s not my fault. I’m simply trying to be helpful. If you don’t want to eat with me, that’s fine. You’re a grown woman and I’m sure you know that you need to eat and keep up your strength.”
“I do,” she mumbled.
“Okay, then. I’ll just take you back to your car and…say goodbye.”
“Thank you.”
He was totally prepared to drive in silence, so it was a complete surprise when Chloe spoke.
“I was really surprised when I saw you sitting with my family earlier. I thought you’d left.”
Shrugging, he pulled out of the parking lot. “I had a feeling there was going to be a lot going on and I know from personal experience that we tend to overlook things, like eating, when we’re in high-stress situations. It just didn’t feel right to leave.”
He could feel her staring at him, but decided to wait it out and see what she was going to say.
“You’re turning out to be not quite what I expected,” she said shyly. “After the way things went when we met…”
Yeah, he knew where she was going with this.
“I come on strong. I know. And abrasive,” he added for good measure. “But believe it or not, my heart’s in the right place. As for today, after our conversation on the way to the hospital, it reminded me of what it was like when my friend was brought in. His wife and parents were so overwhelmed that they stayed up in the waiting room for days until his wife nearly passed out because she hadn’t eaten.”
“Food was probably the last thing on their minds. I know it was for me. And it was very kind of you to not only take care of one meal, but two.”
He shrugged again. “Coffee and snacks were really just a distraction; the sandwiches were a necessity. I could tell that Billie was exhausted, and Reid mentioned that he had to work a shift tonight, so it made sense that for everyone’s well-being, they needed to eat.” He let that statement sink in before adding, “Is there anywhere you can recommend for dinner? I haven’t really tried any of the restaurants in town yet.”
“The café is very good, and there’s a steakhouse that’s also pretty good. What are you in the mood for?”
Chuckling, he shook his head and knew he couldn’t exactly say what he was thinking.
“Oh, come on!” she said with a small laugh. “I can totally tell you’re thinking of something. Just say it!”
Groaning, he said, “Mexican. After hearing you talk about it yesterday at the meeting, all I can think about is guacamole!”
Fortunately, she laughed. “Wow! That was not what I was expecting you to say at all! I figured you’d want to know where to get the best pizza or burgers!”
“That’s a little sexist,” he teased, but immediately laughed. “My parents and I went to the steakhouse last weekend and it was good, but there is something about chips and guac that is too hard to resist!”
“I totally agree, and if I had the ingredients at home…”
“That wasn’t what I was hinting at, Chloe. I swear. But if there’s a good Mexican restaurant nearby…”
“There is. It’s on the other side of Sweetbriar, so after you drop me off at my car, it will be another ten-minute drive.”
“Awesome.” He paused before deciding to be a little bold. “Any chance you’d like to join me?”