Page 24 of Wanting You
The laugh she responded with was mirthless as she shook her head. “My sister would be amazed that I’m being this blunt with you. Normally I’m quiet and reserved and afraid to speak up. I’m the least confrontational person in the world, but something about you just…”
Tanner held up a hand to stop her because he knew where she was going with it, and this wasn’t a great conversation for either of them. He hated the fact that he had her acting so out of character, but more than that, he hated that she possibly wasn’t the only person who felt this strongly about him.
In a negative way.
“I guess we’re just going to have to wait and see,” he said finally. “But in the meantime, I’d really appreciate it if you came and looked at my room.” When she didn’t respond right away, he said the one thing he knew would help change her mind. “It’s going to be the perfect distraction because I kind of went in a direction a little different from yours.”
She groaned softly before conceding. “Fine…”
“Awesome! Come on!” Tanner led the way out to his room and at the door, he stood back and let Chloe go in first. She went all of three feet before she simply froze.
Stepping into the room, he came to a stop beside her. “So? What do you think? I realize I didn’t have a lot of time, but…”
He’d used the border and characters she’d given him, but he made his room into a Pixar character ski camp. All of the characters were in action, he’d made mountains out of construction paper, rigged up several old pairs of skis and goggles and other random equipment on the walls and used an almost obscene amount of cotton to make snow.
“I realize it doesn’t snow here year-round, but…it’s a mountain town and I thought it would still be a cool effect.” He paused and waited for her to say something. “So? What do you think?”
“It’s…it’s…definitely different,” she said carefully. “And it’s a wonderful use of…um…your ski equipment…”
“I have a lot of it,” he admitted. “And before you ask, I spoke to Principal Kincaid about using it, and the entire room got a safety inspection, so everything’s safe. I didn’t want anyone to see the room, but I’m smart enough to know that the safety of the students comes first.”
Nodding, Chloe stepped further into the room. There were books on the shelves, but not a lot, and his reading corner had a big, white shag carpet. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she said, “White was a bold choice. You realize how messy five-year-olds are, right?”
Actually, he hadn’t. He walked over to her. “I was going with the snow theme and didn’t think about it.”
“You could always go with brown or green and make this like a reading forest.”
“Of course! That’s brilliant! I can get another carpet before Tuesday, no problem. And as for the rest? It wouldn’t be hard to do with some construction paper and cardboard…”
He caught her looking around again. “You’re very artistic,” she told him, and he had a feeling it wasn’t all that easy for her to give him a compliment. Turning her head, she smiled. “Is there anything you’re not good at?”
It would be wrong to say no, but…
“I heard I’m not good at being a team player,” he said with amusement. “But I swear I’m going to work on it.”
Groaning, she walked toward him. “I never should have said anything. You’re new here and I was being judgmental. That is not who I am, like ever. You have to believe me.”
And the thing is, he did.
“Look, I get it. And to be fair, I can see why you were completely turned off by me.”
Her face turned the tiniest shade of red. “I didn’t say I was turned off…”
That’s when he realized how that all sounded and felt his own face heat. “Sorry! Oh, God…that came out wrong! I meant…you know…like…rubbed you the wrong way…or…dammit!”
When did I get so bad at having a normal conversation?
“Chloe, honestly, all I meant was…”
The sound of her phone ringing interrupted him and he could honestly say he was saved by the bell.
“Excuse me a moment, Tanner,” she said, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “Hey, Bill, is everything okay?”
Tanner went over to his desk so it didn’t seem like he was hovering or trying to listen in on her conversation, but when he heard her gasp, he decided the hell with it and walked back over to her.