Page 34 of Only the Clonely (Sunrise Cantina)
“All done?” I chirp.
“Hope he doesn’t drink out of that sink,” Kaz mumbles. He runs a hand down the front of his uniform, checking the auto-fastener. He looks surprised to see me dressed, and gestures at my shirt. “You don’t want to do the other breast?”
“You seem distracted. One is probably best right now anyhow. I can see how I like it.” I shrug, going to cross my arms and then brushing against my nipple and hissing to myself at the sharp stab that lances through my tit. Whoops. I lower my arms, keeping my hands to my sides. Feels weird. “Are you okay?”
Kaz rakes a hand through his hair and the look he gives me is sheepish and adorable and makes me hurt with wanting. “I just…you know how I feel about you. Sometimes it overwhelms me. I had to take care of business.”
You know how I feel about you.
“I know…but why did you leave?”
He grimaces and moves to my side, picking up the disinfectant and ripping open a packet. He holds it out to me and when I shake my head, puts it away. “I have a hard time with control. I thought it would get better once the drugs were out of my system. It was for a while, but being around you makes my cock spring up like a tsaanti.”
“A what now?”
He flicks a finger into the air like he’s pointing. “Snake. They pop their heads up out of the grasses of their home planet. Good eating, though.”
I curl my hand around that one pointing finger of his. “I don’t want you to feel embarrassed for wanting me.”
“Yes, but you said you wanted to go slow. To take as much time as you need. I don’t want you to feel pressured by my needs. Because if we’re being honest? I’m always in need when it comes to you.”
I love hearing that. I move toward him, grabbing a fistful of his uniform and tugging him toward me. “Will you give me a kiss, then? Show me just how much you need…?”
“Right now?”
“Right now,” I agree. “Because I’m feeling it, too.”
He moves closer, his hand skimming along the line of my face. He leans in?—
“What the kef is going on here?” The door swishes open and Sakkar steps into the room.
Oof. Busted.
I could cheerfully strangle Sakkar for his keffing awful timing. Just when I have Ruthie in my arms, ready to kiss, he saunters in and gets all hostile because we were using the medical equipment. Keffing hells, the man cannot read the room.
Ruthie all but races back to our quarters and I’m left with a moody, too-nosy Sakkar. I stay and clean up the equipment, tidying things and trying to ignore him, but all I can think about is how he ruined my moment with Ruthie. Something tells me I’m not going to get it back tonight.
During the piercing? She was into it. Into me. I could tell she was aroused. I don’t need the heightened senses the praxiians have. I have eyes. I could see it on her face, in the little gaspy breaths she made. The way she played with the piercing on her lip with the tip of her tongue?—
“I don’t get why you’d sneak in here,” Sakkar complains as I swipe down the counters with disinfectant. “You could have asked me. I would have given you permission.”
I grit my teeth, because I’m not asking Sakkar for permission for anything. I’m not going to ask permission to give my female a piercing. It’s not his machine. Sure, Dopekh broke one in the past. Sure, Salvotor tends to abuse it and our supplies. Tonight is not the time.
“If there’s a medical issue I need to be aware of, let me know.”
“No issue.”
He doesn’t get the hint. “Tell Ruthie I’m happy to look her over if she has health concerns?—”
“Just keffing shut it, already, Sakkar. It’s handled.”
“Hmph. Clearly it wasn’t with the way she ran out of the room. As for the machines, I’m not telling you not to use them. I’m just thinking of the maintenance…”
I toss down the disinfectant cloth and give up. I do not want to hear it from him, not tonight. Not with Ruthie’s wet, red lips on my mind and her little gasps still ringing in my ears. I abandon the med-bay with Sakkar’s griping following me out into the hall. It’s late. She’s probably already asleep in bed, because it’s a good way to avoid conversation. I’ll just head to sleep on the floor and try not to think about my throbbing cock. Or Ruthie’s lips.
Or the noises she makes. Kef me, the noises.
When I open the door to our quarters as quietly as possible, I’m surprised to see that the lights are dim but not entirely off. Ruthie sits up in bed the moment I come in.