Page 39 of Brutally His (Gilded Decadence)
There was no salvaging this moment. I had to go with it, so I dipped her and deepened the kiss, hating every single second of the display we were putting on.
When I righted her, she acted a little dizzy and flustered, which meant she was an amazing actress because that kiss may have looked hot and steamy from the outside, but in reality, it was like kissing a cold, alcoholic fish with a pain pill addiction.
As was expected of me, for the next ten minutes I smiled politely to the few waves sent my way, and accepted congratulatory handshakes and well wishes.
Then I left.
I was halfway down the stairs of the hotel when my mother caught up to me, grabbing my arm.
“Where do you think you are going?”
“Back to work,” I said. “I have already lost far too much time on frivolous parties and opulent lunches.”
“No, your obligation tonight is right here,” she snarled. “Business can wait. You are just like your father and every other man like you. You don’t understand this is just as important. This is how you make your fortune.”
I took a deep breath to calm my anger before focusing back on her.
“I am not a businessman. I do not spend my day moving numbers to make me richer. I do not create money out of thin air. I do not manufacture a product, I do not sell anything. I am the district attorney. My job is to put criminals behind bars. I don’t know if you’ve looked around lately, Mother, but New York is not limited to Fifth or Park Avenues. There are real problems in this city that need to be addressed.”
“Who do you think you are, Superman?” Her face twisted in rage, or at least as much as it could considering the most recent Botox injections. “There is nothing you can do to protect New York tonight. Lawyers’ offices are closed, and there are no judges currently awake. Actually, that’s not true. The only judges awake that you need to concern yourself with tonight, the only criminals you need to concern yourself with tonight, are those inside the ballroom who will fund your next campaign. And while we’re out here talking, we need to discuss your wedding guest list. That little whore at your desk is not invited.”
My hands clenched into fists. “Don’t you dare call?—”
I stopped myself just in time as Mary Quinn Astrid’s eyes lit up with unholy interest. Like the unfeeling shark she was, she smelled blood in the water.
There was no fucking way I was leading her back to Eddie.
Tightening my lips over my bared teeth, I finished, “Anyone on my staff a whore or this entire fiasco you’ve orchestrated is finished. Do you understand me?”
“I am your mother. Show me some respect.”
“I’ll show it to you when you earn it.”
She placed her hands on her hips. “You get rid of that trollop working for you or I will.”
“Remember who you’re threatening, Mother. I’m not some cowering waiter or maid in your employ.”
“You have your position because of me, and I can take it away just as easily.”
“I have my position because I’m a damn good attorney who earned it.”
She huffed. “I’m not having this fight with you in public, Harrison. You may not care about our reputation but I?—”
“Don’t you fucking talk to me about reputations.”
She gasped as she grabbed the strand of pearls around her neck. “Don’t you curse at me!”
I threw up my hand and once more turned toward the door. “This conversation is over.”
She gripped my upper arm, sinking her well-manicured claws into me. “We still need to discuss your wedding guest list!”
“I would never subject anybody who works with me to the atrocity that you are no doubt going to throw with Catherine. I have done my duty for tonight. I’m leaving.”
“How will it look? What will people say?”
“Tell them my office has an emergency, and I must go.” I tried pulling my arm from her grip, but her acrylic nails sank in deeper, threatening to rip into the fabric of my coat.
“What will Catherine and I tell all of your guests?”
“I don’t have any guests in there, Mother. It’s a charity event. Even if it wasn’t, this impromptu engagement party is yours and Catherine’s to deal with. Tell them whatever you want. I do not give a fuck.”
“You are just as bad as your sister.”
I knew if I riled her up any more and didn’t give her a story she could sell, she would take it out on Rose.
I took a deep breath and said through clenched teeth, “Just tell everybody that I’m working on one of the biggest cases in the country, and a witness came forward, and I had to go. Tell them that I’m working on keeping everybody in that room safe.”