Page 36 of Mafia Billionaire's Surprise Baby
It was important to her, I guess.
Gia’s jaw drops. “Holy shit. What are you, some kind of language prodigy?”
“I believe the term is polyglot.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
I shrug. “Languages come easily for me.”
It’s true. My whole life, I’ve been able to pick up languages exceedingly quickly.
It’s more than just learning the words and phrases. I can discern the meaning of things, understand what it sounds like when people say it in their native language. I get colloquialisms. I understand nuances that others don’t.
I’m just good at it.
Gia shakes her head. “Marco wasn’t utilizing you well enough.”
“Oh? How would you do any different?”
“I’m not sure,” she sighs. “But I’d definitely have you out there with me in the world, putting that tongue to good use.”
She smirks at me.
“Which brings me to my next point. For cover. We did do well in the club in Prague. So. I’m thinking a couple again. You get to pick, boyfriend and girlfriend, or husband and wife.”
If there was a world where I could call Gia my wife, I’d live there in a heartbeat.
Even pretending, it’s almost too painful. It’s too close to something that I want. I can’t pretend to be her husband.
Not when I want it so badly.
“No, Gia.”
“Oh, come on,” she says with a sigh. “We did good at that. We worked well together.”
“We did.”
“So why not?”
I can’t do this.
Pretending to be Gia’s husband is going to kill me.
“It’s the only way. Let’s get dressed and think on it.
I open my mouth to protest, but before I do, the security system dings.
Flying over to the camera, I peer outside.
There’s no one.
But there’s something on the front step.