Page 26 of Mafia Billionaire's Surprise Baby
It’s every emotion I’ve felt for Gia.
Bottled. Contained.
And now, in the past.
* * *
I snap my eyes open.
Gia’s at the bottom of my stairs. She’s wearing one of the robes that I keep in the bathroom, and the plush fabric seems to swallow her whole.
I offer her the bottle of gin. “Here.”
“Do you have any vodka?”
I bring her the bottle.
Gia sits in my kitchen. She pulls up one of the chairs to the counter. She opens the bottle and takes a drink.
Looking out over the canal, she sighs.
“So, whose fucking house is this again?”
Each time Sal explains it to me, I still can’t believe what he’s saying.
We’re both a few drinks in, so the shock and the alcohol might be impacting me as well, but I really can’t get over it.
I stare at Sal over the rim of my glass. “So, you’re like some kind of real estate magnate?”
“Basically, yes.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “What’s the name you have your portfolio under?”
“Are you going to tell Elio?”
I roll my eyes at him. “I’m obviously not going to tell Elio.”
It’s the truth. Elio doesn’t need to know about this, and if Sal decided that he wanted to keep it from Elio, then I’m not going to be the one who tells him.
Sal and I keep secrets. But not from each other. We made that promise on the train back to Rome, after Belarus.
Or so I thought.
“I trade under the name Comare Holdings.”
I burst out laughing. “You’re the one who runs the company named after mistresses?”
“I bet you never would have thought it was me,” he replies with a grin.
That’s absolutely true. There is no world in which I would have thought that Sal De Luca ran a real estate company that essentially chose a name so similar to the Sopranos lore, I was sure that they were run by some white guy in New York.
“Well. I’ve heard of you. You made a splash when you acquired that old estate in France.”