Page 200 of Mafia Billionaire's Surprise Baby
“Because it’s true.”
“But when you stay stuff like that…”
“What, Gia? It reminds you that people love you? That they care about you and miss you? That you’re more than just someone who’s useful?”
“No,” Gia mutters. “It just makes me feel like shit.”
I stop.
We manage to get to the air strip without incident. The horse, luckily, seems to know the way home, and after Gia and I slide down off of its back, it gives us a little shake of its head and plods back the way it came.
Gia still isn’t speaking to me.
The plane is open, and we hop on. Minutes later, Elio, Liam, and the woman get on. Gia immediately whisks the woman into the airplane’s back room, locking all of us out.
We stare at the door while the pilot boots the plane up.
Elio turns to Liam. “What can we expect now that we’ve taken her back.”
“I think the bigger issue is probably the other woman, who looks suspiciously like Marisol, Benicio’s daughter.”
“Fuck me,” I say, looking at the door.
Liam shrugs. “An eye for an eye. Isn’t that how it works?”
The plane’s engines roar, and we start to taxi down the runway.
Elio sighs. “But since we’re all in this together now, it seems appropriate to make a truce, no?”
Liam nods. “The enemy of my enemy,” he sticks his hand out. Elio shakes it.
I don’t bother.
The plane climbs in the sky, and I settle back in my seat.
We have Gia.
I can figure the rest out.
* * *
Back at Elio’s house, both women shower. Caterina cries. Luna is thrilled to have her Zia back.
Finally, Gia retires to the room we used to share together. When I go in to bring her some food, I find that she’s dead asleep in the bed.
I would love to watch her, but that would be too fucking weird, even for me.
So, instead, I leave.
There’s a shape huddled next to the door. I turn to address it as I step forward.
“She’s sleeping,” I say, coming out of the room.
Liam’s lurking outside. He leans against the wall like some kind of parody of a Marlboro man.
I shut the door, clearly closing him out of the room that holds the mother of my child.
And my unborn child.