Page 163 of Mafia Billionaire's Surprise Baby
“And, if we go now, there’s no one up there. The one guy, the one with the Irish father, he’s gone to look for supplies. The other two might be there but according to his auntie, who is the person who cleans the cabin, they go out during the day and come back in the evening,” she examines her nails.
I heave out a breath. “Stassi. That’s incredible.”
“Thanks, Sal. So come on. Let’s go get your girl,” she smiles.
“She’s not… I’m doing this for Elio.”
Stassi snorts. “Sure. Same as you like, pulled her out of a smoking warehouse in Belarus for Elio? And you totally made sure that she never had to sleep alone until she was okay? And how you like, really seem to be into her?”
“How often do you talk to Gia?”
“Often enough that I know a lot about you,” she winks.
She winks at me.
“I mean if you weren’t so obviously head over heels for Gia, I’d totally do you,” she says with a flip of her platinum blonde hair.
“I’m not quite sure how to respond to that.”
“So don’t,” she smiles. “But let’s get the hell out of here, okay?”
“Okay,” I murmur.
We get back onto the yacht. Stassi has the crew put in the correct village, and we’re hauling ass within moments.
As the forlorn coastline whips by, my heart is in my throat. I truly have no idea what I’m going to say to Gia. How we’re going to get her out of here. If Stassi doesn’t have another trick up her sleeve, and the Irish come for us…
It’s going to be an all-out war.
Elio’s going to wage war on them anyway if we don’t get Gia.
We can’t do that.
There’s too much at stake.
Caterina is about two seconds from giving birth to twins. Luna’s just a kid. Dino has kids who are going to be caught in the crosshairs if anyone ever finds out about them, and God forbid anyone does, because it sounds like his children’s grandfather is also going to be hell if he finds us.
Marco is in police custody. To testify against us in a case.
We’re so fucked.
In my head, there’s a logical path. But I refuse to acknowledge it. If Gia did get married to Liam, then everything would change.
There would be no war.
And we’d have a massive number of allies.
Allies that can protect us from the threat of whoever is the grandparent of Dino’s twins. Allies that can help us to secure our new shipping lanes, courtesy of the Irish, who do have some pretty decent networks for smuggling across Europe.
It’s the logical choice.
But I will be absolutely fucking damned if it’s the choice that I make.
When I wake up, there’s a note from Liam on the kitchen table.