Page 6 of GOAT
“I have a location and name for the man who is over the auction where Blu and Grey were sold,” Anatoly began. A few weeks ago, one of Anatoly’s men had recognized Grey as one of Huber’s toys—Huber being the son of a bitch Konrad took out on his government trip. We weren’t technically supposed to know anything about what Konrad did, but what he found out affected the club… and tied into the problem we were currently dealing with.
A goddamn sex trafficking ring.
Konrad took out Anatoly’s man, and Anatoly promised to dig deep and work on cleaning house on his end as well. We were all trying to keep the peace—a peace that was wobbly at best. Especially after we found out one of Anatoly’s men was a frequenter of this kind of shit. But as much as we didn’t like it, we needed the Russian, and he needed us—especially since we were housing his daughter since she’d been snatched from right under his nose.
He owed Jax his life for saving his daughter.
“Well?” Konrad asked, growing impatient. I sighed and shot him a pointed look. I understood he wanted revenge, but we had to play this smart. We couldn’t go in half-cocked. His boy and girl needed him. And if he got harmed even the slightest bit, Blu and Grey would be inconsolable. I didn’t particularly want to deal with two sobbing, heartbroken people.
“The location is in Seattle. Auctions are held in the basement of the building he owns. The man’s name is Richard Carney. He’ll be there in three nights organizing the auction happening Sunday night. If you get there and eliminate him, the auction won’t happen, and I can call in favors to get the victims sent to a hospital and reunited with their families.”
“And if they don’t have families?” Ace asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “What happens to them then?”
“Then I’ll work with some of my contacts to get them integrated into society and on their feet again,” Anatoly answered.
“Will the victims be there if we go Saturday night?” I asked.
“The victims seem to be held there,” Anatoly informed us. I grimaced. That had to be shitty conditions. But it also meant we would be dealing with an ass of guards. Just great.
I looked at Konrad. “Your call. I’m with you whatever you decide, so long as you’re not going alone.”
Konrad looked at Shaw. Shaw nodded once. “We’ll come up with a plan,” he told Konrad. “All six of us will go.” He looked at Jax. “You trust Blakely to protect Amaliya, Blu, and Grey?”
“Hey—my fucking—” Konrad growled.
Shaw narrowed his eyes at him. “I get that you’re overprotective as fuck of them, but Agony knows his woman better than any of us sitting at this fucking table, Bender,” he said, using our road names.
“I trust her,” Jax said. “I’ve been working with her. She knows how to defend herself, and she knows the escape plan if someone comes.”
Konrad pointed a stiff finger at Jax. “If one hair is harmed on their heads?—”
Jax leaned forward and steepled his fingers together on top of the table, his expression going flat and cold. Completely void of emotion. The cold-blooded killer—the man who couldn’t blend into society—burst forward. It was… chilling to see his mask slip.
“If you threaten my woman, brother,” Jax said flatly, his voice low, “you and I are about to have some fucking problems.”
Konrad clenched his jaw, a storm brewing in his eyes, but Jax wasn’t backing down. We could come at Jax over just about anything, but not Blakely. Never Blakely.
Shaw rested a hand on Konrad’s shoulder, giving him a subtle shake of his head. I was tense, my teeth clenched, ready to intervene if needed. One look at Arlo told me he was on the edge of his seat, too.
Ace just watched them, waiting to see what would unfold. If anyone was similar to Jax, it was Ace. Trauma had fucked the kid up. If he went silent, wasn’t being a brat… the kid was a fucking monster. A monster we loved, but a monster, nonetheless.
“Nothing can happen to them,” Konrad finally said instead of giving in to the fight burning inside of him.
Jax nodded once and leaned back in his seat again, cool as a cucumber, his mask back in place. As if he hadn’t been ready to potentially murder our brother mere moments ago. “They’ll be safe.”
I blew out a soft breath. Konrad rolled his jaw around before looking back at Shaw. “Any idea of how many guards we’re looking at?” Konrad asked.
“I’ll have those numbers in a few hours,” Anatoly promised. “And you’ll have me and some of my most trusted men to assist when you’re ready to do this.”
Konrad snorted, clearly not over the Visaly situation. “Your most trusted men? I think you forget that one of your most trusted men liked to indulge in the same kind of shit of the men we’re taking out.”
I drew in a deep breath. “Bender,” I snapped. He swung his eyes to me. “Chill out, man.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “I get you don’t know what it’s like to give a fuck about anyone else but yourself?—”
A cruel laugh spilled past my lips. “Tread carefully, asshole,” I warned him. “I’m sitting here just like the rest of you, trying to protect your boy and girl. Remember? I was the one who suggested we go after them together, even if it meant only us two were handling the situation. I might not be close to Blu and Grey, and I might hold them at arm’s length, brother, but I do fucking care. It’ll do you good to fucking remember that.” I shoved back from the table and looked at Shaw. “I’m taking a fucking breather before I beat the shit out of your VP.” I looked at Konrad. “You need to get your shit together, or your hot-headedness is going to get us all killed, including your precious boy and girl.”
With that, I stormed out of the chapel, heading upstairs to my room to light a blunt. Konrad was volatile when it came to Blu and Grey. I understood it. But he had years of military training under his belt. Fucking hell, he was a goddamn undercover operative for the government still because he was so good at what he did. He was better than this hotheaded shit, and he knew it.