Page 15 of GOAT
I frowned at his back as he opened my door. “The fuck is that supposed to mean, Shaw?”
He looked over his shoulder at me. “Look at Jax and Konrad, Cameron. Their priorities, their lives, their goddamn personalities have done one-eighties since they met their significant others. I want you to know if you get attached to her… we’ll support you. So long as she never hurts this family.”
With that, he left my room, quietly shutting the door behind him. I continued to stand there and stare at the plain, wooden door, a frown on my face.
What the hell had he meant by that?
Iglanced up into my rearview mirror, snarling when I saw blue lights flashing behind me. It was pouring down rain—so much so that my windshield wipers were on full blast—and lightning was streaking across the sky, the thunder that followed loud enough to shake my fucking truck.
I wasn’t even going over the speed limit because I could barely see out of my damn windshield. These fuckers had to be petty as fuck and on a mission to get on my bad side to pull me over in this weather.
Muttering a curse beneath my breath, I hit the button for my hazards and then pulled onto the side of the road, throwing my truck in park. I grabbed my driver’s license out of my wallet and then snatched my insurance card and my truck registration out of the glove compartment before settling in to wait for these dumb fucks to make the walk to my truck to take my shit.
A few minutes later—damn near ten minutes—the driver stepped out of the car and made the walk to my truck, rain pounding down on him. Through my passenger-side rearview mirror, I saw the other patrolman get out of the passenger side, and I sighed.
Here we fucking went.
I rolled my window down, the rain lashing into my truck, when the officer knocked on the window. I arched a brow at him. “How can I help you?” I drawled, trying to hide my annoyance. I didn’t need to get hauled in, and one thing to know about cops—they could take someone in for whatever they wanted. It wasn’t their job to decide if I was actually in the wrong. That was for a judge and jury to decide.
“I need you to step out of the vehicle, sir.”
Jesus Christ.
I pushed open the door and stepped out before shutting it back behind me. The rain immediately began to soak into my clothes and made the bun on the top of my head drag painfully on my scalp.
“We got a report of a suspicious vehicle matching your truck’s description,” the officer told me, but he had a twitch in his jaw that gave him away. It was barely noticeable, but I spotted it immediately. He’d been given orders to harass me, and that was exactly what he was doing.
“You want to check my truck?” I asked. “Go right the fuck on ahead. You’re not supposed to without a warrant, but I don’t have shit to hide.”
He patted me down first, bending me over the hood of the vehicle and searching my person, coming up empty. The other officer checked my truck, dumping everything out of my glove compartment and out of my middle console, not bothering to even attempt to put any of it back, before shrugging at the officer who’d patted me down. “Nothing.”
The officer faked a smile and nodded at me. “Thanks for being so cooperative, sir. You have a good day.”
“Go to hell,” I muttered under my breath, not moving until they were pulling away.
Ace frowned at me when I walked through the clubhouse doors. “You look like hell,” he said, for once not having some smart-ass comment. I guessed I looked as pissed off as I felt.
“Got pulled over for being ‘suspicious’,” I muttered, heading for the staircase. “Can you make me a cup of coffee?”
“Yeah,” he called after me as I ascended the stairs. Once I was in my room, I stripped out of my clothes and headed straight for the shower to get warm. I was rinsing my hair when Ace knocked on my bathroom door. “You want the coffee now or just want me to set it on the counter?” he asked.
I poked my hand around the shower curtain. “Now,” I rasped. Once it was in my hand, I swallowed the scalding coffee, letting it warm my insides in a way the shower couldn’t. I handed the mug back to him when I was done. “Thanks, kid.”
“Your phone is ringing,” I heard him say a moment later from my bedroom. “It’s… Abbie.”
I sighed, my shoulders tensing. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her after this shit show I’d just dealt with. “I’ll deal with her when I get out,” I told him.
“Sure.” A moment later, my bedroom door shut, and I was alone again. I finished my shower in peace, then got dressed in jeans and a hoodie, pulling on a pair of old, worn sneakers since my boots would probably have to be thrown out.
Just what I wanted—a goddamn shopping trip to buy another pair of boots.
I snatched my phone off the bed and called Abbie back as I headed down the stairs. “Hey,” she greeted when she answered.
“Hey yourself,” I muttered, walking into the kitchen to find a snack—chips, cookies, something. “What’s up, little devil?”